Bible School News

What is Bible School?  A Bible school is a place that values the Bible as the book that guides all the academics. The Bible shapes the worldview of the Christian Leaders Institute.

What does that mean?

First, the Christian Leaders Institute believes that the Bible is the Word of God. The sentence in our statement of faith says this:
The Bible
The Bible is God’s inerrant, infallible, reliant Word, the only final authority for faith and life. (Proverbs 30:5-6; Isaiah 8:20; John 10:35; 2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:21)

This means that the Bible is not in error about God is. He created the world, he created humanity (Genesis 1-2) Humans fell into sin (Genesis 3). And the rest of the Bible is the reliant word of redemption. Truly, the Bible is the only rule for faith and life. See The Chicago Statement on Biblical Inerrancy

Read stories of graduates who seek to have Bible study as their core value. If you look for a school that holds the Bible in high-esteem, Christian Leaders Institute will be an encouragement to you.

Enroll in the admissions class. This class takes about two hours to complete. Then dive right into a Bible study that will change your life.

After you enroll in the admissions class, you are invited to take as many of the over 90 classes available as you want. Many of the classes are Bible study classes that focus on Bible survey or specific books of the Bible.

Know the Bible - David Peterson Of USA

Know the Bible - Christian Leaders institute offers over 2o advanced Bible Courses and various Bible certificate and diploma levels. God is raising up lay leaders to know the Bible. David Petersen has a strong desire to know the Bible.…

Mission Georgia - Johan Labuschagne of Georgia

Mission Georgia - Johan is all in for Mission Georgia. He sees the desperate need for the Lord in his Country of Georgia. He starts out with a broad discussion of his involvement with Mission Georgia. "My name is Johan Labuschagne married…

Mission South Africa - Thembelihle Grasia Keele

Mission South Africa: Thembelihle believes in the cause for mission South Africa. She start by sharing about the tremendous need for mission South Africa. "Greetings brethren in the wonderful name of our Lord and saviour Jesus…

Relationship with God: Laura Aarts of Netherlands

Relationship with God: Laura has a Relationship with God. She starts her story by giving some background for her life and how she got aRelationship with God. "I live in the Netherlands, in a city called Breda. God has called me to…

Mission Zimbabwe - Peter Nyakudya of Zimbabwe

Mission Zimbabwe: The African continent is an area of great need for the gospel in the world. Mission Zimbabwe has a speficic challenge that is unique in the ministry world. The people of  Zimbabwe are very literate which requires a high…

Youth Ministry - Beth Clavette of USA

Youth Ministry: Beth Clavette has a goal of being part of a youth ministry. She shares her journey and challenges she faces in becoming part of a youth ministry. "Grace from the Father and may He bless CLI! My name is Beth Clavette and…

Ministry Calling: Denise Anderson

Ministry Calling: Denise has a Ministry Calling . Denise starts by sharing why she has Ministry Calling. "My name is Denise Anderson and I am actively taking courses with "The Christian Leaders Institute" and I am thankful to have this…

Couples in Ministry: Simone James

Couples in Ministry: Simone is part of the Couples in Ministry movement. She knows that a strong Marriage will help her succeed like other Couples in Ministry. She starts by sharing her journey to study as Couples in Ministry. "Hello, my…

Nigeria Ministry - Adedeji Adewunmi

Nigeria Ministry - Adedeji Adewunmi wants to make an impact for Nigeria Ministry. He starts by talking about some of his background in Nigeria Ministry. "My name is adedeji adewunmi, I am from Nigeria,I  am from a family of four. Having…

United Assemblies Church Naboth Machadu of South Africa

United Assemblies Church: Naboth Machadu is the founder of the United Assemblies Church. He starts by giving some background on the United Assemblies Church. "Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am a Zimbabwean…

Church Planter - Christopher Karper of USA

Church Planter: Christopher Karper is a Church Planter. He is part of the wave of urban missionaries who have decided to become a Church Planter. He begins by sharing about his walk and life. "My name is Pastor Christopher Karper, and…

Mission Latin America: Willahar Mahecha Bolanos of Colombia

Mission Latin America: Willahar has a plan for Mission Latin America. He starts by talking about Mission Latin America. "Brothers and Sisters in Christ: May God bless all of you now and forever. My name is Willahar, I am living…

Mission Ethiopia: Messay Fantahun

Mission Ethiopia - There was a famine in Ethiopia in the last two decades. News Agencies reported on famine and mass starvation in Ethiopia. In this 2004 article, One New Agency reported, "The symptoms are severely wasted or marasmic…

Mission Ghana: Michael Gyekye of Ghana

Mission Ghana: Michael starts out by talking about the great need for Mission Ghana in his homeland. "I come from Ghana, located in the western part of Africa. Africans, I can say are very religious, but some are yet to discover the…

Ministry calling: Chrison Feliciano

Ministry Calling: Chrision Felicano has a Ministry Calling in his life. Chrison comes from a family that has experience a Ministry Calling. He starts by talking about his journey and Ministry Calling. "I'm Chrison S. Feliciano, 22 years…