Ministry School Graduates

Christian Leaders Institute is a leading ministry training school that offers free ministry training course.

What is ministry? The word “ministry” comes from the Greek word, Diakonos, which means, “deacon.”  The word deacon means, minister, servant. The heart of a minister embodies the heart of a servant.

Christian Leaders Institute has enrolled over a quarter of a million people who started ministry training. These leaders felt the calling to study ministry!

Are you interest to study ministry? There are over 90 courses to pick from! You can receive free ministry credentials. You can pursue ordination or apply the course for a low administration cost college degree.

Read Stories and Testimonies

better believer

Free Ministry Training To Become A Better Believer

Many students come to Christian Leaders Institute to help them become pastors, youth leaders, or other leaders in the church. Others, like Tammy Wilson, join because they want to learn more about the gospel and how to become a better believer.…
ministry gifts

Graduate Yvonne Adams develops Her Ministry Gifts

Hello my name is Yvonne Adams from the United States of America. I am developing my ministry gifts at Christian Leaders Institute. I am a native of Brooklyn, New York and a graduate of William H. Maxwell Vocational High School. I have made…
Think on These Things

Free Biblical Training Doesn't Mean Cheap Biblical Training

Two thousand years ago, Jesus offered twelve select disciples the opportunity to receive ministry training from Him personally. He didn't ask them for any money, although they all had jobs and trades before they were called. His ministry and…

Biblical Knowledge - Called to Raise Up Young Christian Leaders

Biblical Knowledge - My name is Whitney Woodall, I am 27 years, and originally hale from Carlisle, PA, currently I am a resident of Atlanta, GA. I am not married and have no children to call my own, YET! I am a newly licensed minister at Hopewell…
Men's ministry

Called to Men's Ministry - Solomon Johri - Christian Leaders Basic Graduate

My name is Solomon Johri and I am a 44 year old husband with 2 young boys. My wife Ginger, Isaiah who is 11, Elijah who is 8 and I live in rural east central Pennsylvania. I have been called to men's ministry. I was born in Ontario, Canada…
Fishers of Men

Fisher of Men - Free Ministry Training for Called Leaders Everywhere

Fishing is a hobby I enjoy. I have, over the years, been able to find time to go fishing even if things were rather busy for me. It is a relaxing, meditative time. I can be quiet and calm, and enjoy the creation as I wait for the fish to bite…
Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi

Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi Gets Free Ministry Training Online

Calixte Jesutola Fadeyi of South Africa was able to pursue his calling as a preacher and leader of the church despite not having the finances needed to attend a traditional seminary. He was able to receive training that was much needed in order…
Set Them Free

Equipping Called Leaders to "Set Them Free"

I recently received a recall notice from the company that made the car I drive around. The notice tells me that there is something really wrong with a switch that is supposed to alert the drivers behind me when I step on the brakes. This switch…

Bible School in the Netherlands - Simone Eind Pursues Ministry Calling

Who would have guessed that Simone Eind would end up at a free Bible School in the Netherlands online? Simone knew that God was calling her into ministry, but she wouldn't be able to afford traditional training. She was compelled to pursue an…
Not My Own

Not My Own - The Joy of Belonging

There is a line in Paul’s First Letter to the Corinthians that reads: “Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, for you were bought with a price. So glorify…

Marcel Gwangwaa of Germany - Christian Leaders Basic Certificate

I am currently living in Germany and have been in this country for about 15 years. Before I traveled to Germany, I had a dream and saw a light coming from the sky directly to me and I was carrying Jesus as a baby. Later on, I saw multitudes…

Cynthia Jones from Bible School America - Christian Leaders Basic Graduate

My name is Cynthia Jones, a 55 year old wife, with one daughter and two grandchildren. My husband and I live most of the year in a small community outside of Spartanburg, SC, USA and five months in Costa Rica where my husband receives part of…

Outside the Camp to Die - One For Many

In the book of Hebrews in the Bible, the final chapter (13) we find these words, 11 The high priest carries the blood of animals into the Most Holy Place as a sin offering, but the bodies are burned outside the camp. 12 And so Jesus also suffered…
Brian Govender

Brian Govender of South Africa - Featured Student of the Day

Christian Leaders Institute has many students in the country of South Africa. Because our online bible school is free and doesn't require textbooks, English-speaking people in South Africa are able to obtain our training without having to relocate,…
Think on These Things

Think on These Things - Controlling Your Mind in a Sinful World

Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy--think about such things. 9 Whatever…