Training For Ministry P1040617

My name is John Ndirangu Mwangi. I was born 52 years ago in the central region of Kenya. In my early days, primary education in Kenya’s rural  areas was free. The Catholic Church had partnered with the government in the public schools to finance much of the education costs.  This made it possible for the catholic church to be involved in the school curriculum, which meant Christianity was a part of our education.

Apart from the school, there were Catholic churches scattered all over, and therefore the parents were more easily reachable.  Catholic father’s, sisters and brothers visited people in their homes and therefore it was easy for all those who had been visited by these servants of God to reciprocate by going to the church.  The church also provided food and clothes to some in the society who were very poor.

With such an early environment, I attended both Catholic primary and secondary school. Therefore I had some very basic Christian teachings and there was a catechism class which one was required to attend and pass before getting baptized.  Some of the reciting I did while around 9 years old is still fresh in my mind till this day.

I, however, was not introduced to Jesus Christ and the fact that He can become my personal Savior.  I was only taught about a Savior of the whole world.  It was not until I was 30 years old that I started to experience an emptiness in my life which made me see nothing valuable in life any more.  By then I was working in the Kenya Air Force, and in frustration I resorted to alcoholism and all kinds of running after worldly pleasure. Nothing was giving me joy, and I knew deep inside that there was something I was missing (I had stopped going to church since I was not getting spiritual nourishment there).

One Sunday morning while I was reading the Sunday Nation, a newspaper of Kenya, I saw a Bible Study correspondence course by a church from Canada, so I enrolled.  Within one year I had learned as much as possible to make me understand that Jesus Christ is the only Savior, both for the whole world and individual believers.  He was the answer to all my questions.  However, when I graduated and received my certificate I still had not accepted Jesus as my personal Savior, although I was convicted and haunted by God’s Word every day.  I couldn’t resist for long and on July 7, 1995, I gave my life to Christ through tears of repentance and the joy of the forgiveness of my sins.

God led me to a church in Nairobi, where I joined a Discipleship Ministry after taking some local new convert’s training.  This ministry focused more on one to one evangelism and discipleship which I have continued to this day.

I unfortunately have not had further training, which I had been desiring to do but was not sure how and at what level I should start.  I also had some financial challenges which hindered me from enrolling in a quality college with tuition fees. Christian Leaders Institute came as an answer to prayer, as the Holy Ghost had been speaking to me about advancing for the Lord (which He Himself knows).  I see Christian Leaders Institute as a firm foundation, and a strong leap forward towards richer fields for Jesus Christ.  I intend to complete the entire course provided by CLI while remaining attentive and sensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

I highly appreciate the CLI team. Henry and his team, are truly the humble leader servants whom Jesus is using in these last days, as we await the trumpet sounding.  I think the wisest thing for me would be to remain under the feet of these blessed servants as they light the whole earth with Holy Ghost Revival and to eventually partner with them on this same course.

Blessings to all who are reading this note!

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