
Christian Leaders Institute Offers Free Courses In The Philippines.

Greetings! May the mercy and grace of the Almighty be on us forever. My name is Tito Lim. I reside in the southern part of the Philippines. Our country is a supporter of a democratic policy which observes freedom of religion. Hence, doing Christian ministry here is not very difficult. In fact, you can find various religious congregations in almost every nook of the entire nation.

I came to know the Lord through my mother who used to be a devout Catholic with a remarkable church devotion. However, at some point she was exposed to a civic and religious organization which her interest in eventually led her to leave her Catholic activity. My mother then spent most of her time devoted to her new affiliation. She convinced all our family to become members. The Philippines Benevolent Missionaries Association, Inc. was in its early stages and we were so engrossed by its captivating principles and teachings. The “mystical” biography of its founder whom the members equate to the one and only Son of God made many believe the founder Ruben Edera Ecelo, Sr. was a savior. This reason was probably the main reason my mother decided to leave her Catholic devotion and migrate to our present town of residence. This is where the organization’s main office and the founder’s residence are located.

I was very young at that time when this all happened being about the age of 12 to 13 years. I am the fourth among the seven children. Obviously all of us were stuck under our parent’s wings so that our adherences to their faiths were not contested by any of us. Only within the last 3 years have I found myself intently reading the Bible and felt the need to seek for the truth. I have come to know much of what we had been believing in contradicts the Words of God. I brought my discovery to my parents, brothers, sisters and a few relatives who are loyal members of that association. Their reactions have been a mixture of positive and negative and half of them showed indifference or ignored me. However, thinking about our spiritual salvation, I keep using chances to instill in them the truth I found. The truth I firmly believe is worth living more than anything else drives me to continue my search.

I am still in the beginning of my religious learning which I pray will help me learn how to express Christian life and doctrine to my family, friends and neighbors. I didn’t know which Christian denomination I should support so I searched the internet for the right one. During my searches I found Christian Leaders Institute. Thanks to Dr. H. Reyenga and his colleagues for creating Christian Leaders Institute and making it accessible across the internet. There are a number of Christian Churches in my immediate vicinity but, unfortunately, I still feel reluctance to consult any of them with regards to my calling. Maybe because I still don’t have a strong faith in their teachings? I am doing Christian Faith based research all by myself. It is mostly through the internet that my knowledge about the Scripture and other related topics are augmented.

I feel a very strong conviction to pursue my spiritual journey, even as a step by step procedure which I can do here at CLI. I strongly believe in Christian Leaders Institute’s ability to help me build myself into a highly committed minister. Praise Jesus! I am very thankful for the kind understanding that I am unable to donate to make Christian Leaders Institute free and accessible to everyone all over the globe. One day I might be able, by the grace of the Lord, to donate to this educational cause.

I have not been employed for a few years and am presently living with my sister’s family, who graciously help me to survive daily. This I believe is a “blessing in disguise” because this gives this opportunity to make my spiritual journey with this online education. Praise and glory be to the Highest as here I can freely use their computer and internet access anytime I would like to. What a Blessing! I pray for guidance all the way through my studies and for the realization of my dreams. Thank you to Christian Leaders Institute and may the Spirit of wisdom, power and guidance be with you for eternity. Amen. Sincerely, Tito Lim

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