Teach Children

Teach Children

A Passion to Teach Children My name is Venetia Frost and I have a passion to teach children. I am from Griffin, Georgia. I am married to Mike Frost. I have one son, Joshua Skirvin and 5 grandsons. My favorite childhood memories are when we…
New Life Ministry Call

New Life Ministry Call

New Life Ministry Call "Howdy, Y'all!" My name is Champ Claussen and I have a new life ministry call on my life from God. I live in the United States of America. God is great. God is greater than great. God is the greatest. I did not always…
Woman Disciple

Woman Disciple

Woman Disciple My name is Loretta Williams. I live in the United States and it can be challenging to do ministry here. However, the challenges here have no comparison to those in other countries. People are seeking and searching for a Savior.…
Gracefully Broken

Gracefully Broken

Read how Annabelle has been gracefully broken by betrayal, confusion, and ill-health into a Spirit-driven dream to become a Christian counselor, motivational speaker, outreach server, and author. Gracefully Broken Blessings, my name is Annabelle…
Soul-centric Vision

Soul-centric Vision

Soul-centric Vision My name is John R. Gork (“J.R.” is my nickname) and I have a soul-centric vision of service. I graduated from East Grand Rapids high school in Michigan and Wittenberg University with a degree in Art and Business. After…
Pastor Call Journey

Pastor Call Journey

This man's pastor call journey from darkness "into God's Hands" tells a compelling story: My name is Robert Daniel Kelly and I have been on a pastor call journey. I live in the United States of America. I believed in Jesus Christ when I was…
Ministering Vision

Ministering Vision

Ministering Vision Read how CLI is helping Aariyana Green fulfill her ministering vision to be a vessel ready to be used by the Lord. Greetings and Blessings To Everyone! My name is Aariyana Green and I have a ministering vision of service…
Christian Education Pursuit

Christian Education Pursuit

Cynaria Reynolds shares her testimony with us about her Christian education pursuit at Christian Leaders Institute. Christian Education Pursuit of Wisdom and Understanding Hello, my name is Cynaria Reynolds, and I am on a Christian education…
Lifetime Ministry Journey

Lifetime Ministry Journey

Lifetime Ministry Journey My name is Ron Turner and I am on a lifetime ministry journey. I am blessed to live in the United States of America. I did not grow up in a Christian household, however, my parents and my 3 brothers all found their…
Spiritual Ministry Journey

Spiritual Ministry Journey

Spiritual Ministry Journey I am Katrina Lounette Zupan and I have been on a spiritual ministry journey with God. I was born in Oak Ridge, TN, the third child of a loving family who was committed to the Lord through service and love. My parents…
Pastor Mission

Pastor Mission

Pastor Mission My name is Charity Sanchez and I have a pastor mission calling. I was born in 1980 in Minnesota, USA. My parents moved to Texas when I was 4 years old. I am now a mother to 3 wonderful boys and a wife to a loving, God-fearing,…
Spiritual Growth Journey

Spiritual Growth Journey

Spiritual Growth Journey My name is Cindy Bingaman and I have been on a spiritual growth journey. I currently live in Harrogate, Tennessee, USA. I have lived in 9 states and 2 countries. I am the youngest of 3 children and the only daughter.…
Revival Hope

Revival Hope

Revival Hope I am Doug Berryhill. I have the privilege to tell you about God's incredible role in healing me from my past and giving me revival hope. My life was great in the beginning. But things soon started downhill: my mother had depression…
Called Christian Leader Journey

Called Christian Leader Journey

Called Christian Leader Journey My name is Joshua Sinanan and I am on a called Christian leader journey. I'm enjoying my 24th year of marriage to my amazing wife Stephanie. We have three adult children and live in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Early…
Ministry Dreams

Ministry Dreams

Ministry Dreams Read about the ministry dreams of Shawn O'Donnell and his wife. After a miraculous healing, they feel God calling them to minister. My name is Shawn O’Donnell, and my wife and I have ministry dreams of service for the…