Ordained Leader

After starting Faith and God Ministry in Atlanta Georgia, Michael Vertner felt the deep desire to gain more formal education and become an ordained leader to aid him in ministry.

“I started this ministry [Faith and God Ministry] about four years ago, and I have always been a dedicated student of the Bible but always felt that I needed some type of formal training to assist in my growth,” Vertner said. “I started studying with CLI around May of 2015 and will say I am very pleased with the amount of classes they offer as well as the quality of these classes.”

CLI gives people the ability to gain knowledge and skills that are key to being a Christian Leader.

“If you are looking to grow in your knowledge of Christian Theology as well as learning many practical skills that can help you better manage a Church or a Bible study, CLI is a great place to pursue that goal,” Vertner said. “They offer a variety of classes and the instructors are easy to understand, and the great thing about studying with CLI is you can listen to the courses as many times as you want to help you better understand the material.”

Vertner is excited about taking what he has learned at CLI to grow his ministry further.

“The direction I am moving in for 2016 is the revival field. I believe my call is to do my part in introducing salvation to an unsaved world, and I will use all the gifts that God have given me to accomplish this mission for God,” Vertner said. “I need people to pray for this Ministry and ask God to send me a team of Holy Ghost filled believers who are willing to share the good news gospel.”

As Vertner advances his ministry, he is aware of the importance of being an ordained leader.

“The importance of ordination is this, it shows people that you went through a formal process of study and preparation for the Ministry through guidelines of a Christian body of believers, which is good to have as a checks and balance system in one’s life when preparing for the Ministry,” Vertner said. “Having a Christ-centered organization behind you is always good, especially one that requires you to complete a designed study package for your readiness to serve as an ordained leader. You have a responsibility to God and his flock to teach the word to the best of your ability.”

Just as CLI is about raising up Christian leaders, Vertner is also hoping God will use him to assemble more leaders.

“Raising up other leaders is another important part of being an ordained leader,” Vertner said. “It’s not about the pastor, but it’s always about God and his church and what we can do to spread the good news gospel to the world. Being an ordained leader is a covenant that you go into with God, and this is serious business; it should not be taken lightly, it is more than just a piece of paper, it is a statement of service that you are entering into for the Kingdom of God. As an ordained leader, we are to be workers in the field and helping the fallen up and standing them back on their feet so they can be used by God.”

Vertner knows that because he is an ordained leader, he will have spiritual attack, but he is a conquer in Christ.

“In my opinion, you never stop your studies of the holy word of God once you are an ordained leader; it is an ongoing process of reading and studying of the word of God and constantly learning better ways to manage the church and the task that God has assigned you to accomplish,” Vertner said. “Being an ordained leader is a huge step because now Satan will even try harder to discredit you and your ministry as well as your reputation. The attack will come, but we have the victory with the blood of Jesus Christ, and we will overcome.”

Click here to check out other ordained leaders through CLI.

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