Evangelism Ministry Training

Evangelism Ministry Training

Join today and receive free evangelism ministry training. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the free evangelism ministry to answer his call from God.

I am currently living in the United States. I was born and raised in Jasper, TX where I reside now. I am one of five siblings all deceased, except one. I am the wife and a mother of six: Lariesha, Dewanda, Melinda, Beatrice, Elton Jr; and Carolyn who passed away on September 2016. My husband Elton & I have known each other since 1978. We separated for a while & we reconciled in 1999. I accepted Christ at an early age, although I backslid in my adolescent years which led me to a life of substance abuse and prison. I rededicated my life back to Christ in Federal prison in 1997. Today, I am saved, sanctified, and filled with the power of the Holy Ghost. A praying woman who loves her family and reaches out for lost souls and do all I can to be true to the call of God. When I got out of prison, I went back to my former leadership of an Apostle in Jasper, TX where I served for 17 years. I taught adult Sunday school, Bible study groups. I was an event coordinator, and I obtained great blessings by submitting myself to this leadership. I was a very faithful servant, witness, and a true ambassador for the Lord. I went back to school in 2004 and I achieved an Associate and a Bachelor Degree in Psychology from University of Phoenix online campus, I also, achieved a degree in the New Testament Study from World Bible College, and a Master Degree in Religion from Liberty University.

In 2011, God called me out of that ministry and gave me a charge to start an outreach center here in Jasper TX. It is called “Try Jesus Outreach” where many have come and accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The outreach commission was to reach out to family first and then to spread abroad. My family plays the biggest role in the ministry for me because my greatest desire is for all of them to experience a true relationship with Christ, to be saved, and to serve him with gladness. We are still on that commission today. God charge me to freely give to others as I have freely received of him. The ministry dream I have is to be able to lead people into the agenda of God for their lives by teaching them biblical principles and leadership tools. This class in CLI’s evangelism ministry training has renewed my connection with God, I have been able to relish my relationship with him, making me feel confident that I can mentor others. I believe Christian Leadership Institute can train me to be effective in leadership and also allow me to help others lead. My goal is to make disciples for Christ. I identify with the word “Evangelist,” although I am an ordained Pastor. I see myself as being an Apostle planting churches and leaders in various places. I have dreams of going all over the world, spreading the good news. I am a witness of how God has pointed me in the direction of doing the work of an Evangelist, as well as leading my family and others into the agenda of God for their lives. CLI’s free evangelism ministry training will allow me to follow these dreams.
My family is very supported and I am so thankful to God that they are and they have willing minds. I have a few churches here in Jasper who are supported and leaders who are my mentors as I study to become a great leader through Christian Leadership Institute.  Please pray with me that I will fulfill God’s will for my life and help others to learn of Christ and his ultimate sacrifice of love. Pray that I will be equipped to lead them into his purpose for their lives and pray that I am a living example to them.

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