Study for Leadership Training Ministry

Hello, my name is Jonathan Pangilinan, and I study for Leadership training ministry at CLI. I live in Dinalupihan, Bataan province of the Philippines. I am 43 years old and already have a grandson. Married to Lucy, I am a pastor in our local church and also a student of the Christian Leaders Institute. Lucy and I married at a very young age and have four children. Together, we serve the Lord.

I was born into a low-income family, the eldest of eight. It was a perfect picture of a family living in poverty. I never experienced wearing expensive shoes and eating tasty meals. However, at a very young age, I already knew that there is a God who created all things. So one night, I looked up to the heavens (our roof had a big hole, big enough so that you can see the moon and the stars from inside the house). I prayed in my heart: “Lord, when will this poverty of our family end?” I believed that God heard my prayers.

As mentioned earlier, I married at a young age and did not finish college. But, I know God has a better plan for me. I accepted our Lord Jesus as my Savior in 1999 while I was working in Saudi Arabia. When I went home, I shared Jesus to my wife, who is now an ordained pastor. Together, we face all the challenges in life and hold on to our faith in our Lord Jesus.

One day, God answered our prayers. He gave me an excellent job and granted the desire of my heart to have a college degree. God showed me his power and proved his love to me. I experienced a miracle!

Therefore, I want to serve God and to tell people about him, so they believe that He is alive. My life is a living testimony. And now, by the grace of God, I am currently a leader in our local church, “Jesus the Bread of Life Church.” I am in charge of leadership training for our men and young church members.

That is why I study for leadership training ministry at the Christian Leaders Institute. I want to increase my knowledge and improve myself so that I will be more effective and confident in the ministry that the Lord has entrusted to me. I thank God I found CLI!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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