Namibia Free Ministry Training

Namibia Free Ministry Training

My name is Ester Mutambay. I live in Namibia. I’m an ordained Evangelist and a middle school teacher. I am receiving Namibia free ministry training through Christian Leaders Institute. I am married and have two daughters. I have a passion to seek the lost and to see the manifestation of the love of God in each one of us.

Being a Christian leader in Africa is becoming more and more challenging due to the widespread controversial happenings in many churches in Africa. The church is now being looked at as a money-making machine and is starting to lose its influence on society.

I became born again in 2009. Prior to this, I heard the gospel over and over again, but I was a devout Catholic and felt that I was doing just fine. I was not interested in this born-again story. One night, around midnight, Jesus knocked on the door of my heart. He was very clear, I was convicted, and said, ” Yes, Lord.”

My dream is to become a minister of God. I want to preach the undiluted word of God, in all truth and sincerity, without compromise. I want to see families restored, healed and functional. I believe that a healthy family makes a healthy society. I also want to be a role model to young girls and empower them to grow into women of excellence.

My biggest challenge going into ministry was my tongue. I’m a really gifted speaker, but at times I was too quick to speak when I should have kept quiet. I have read a lot of books dealing with the subject of the tongue, one of them is Me and My Big Mouth by Joyce Meyer. I realized that a sincere desire to change, meditating on the word of God, and prayer are key to overcoming this challenge.

I really appreciate Christian Leaders Institute for this Namibia free ministry training. I would otherwise not be able to afford it. It being online allows me to study and still be at home with my family. Getting training is very important to me, not to get a certificate, but to get the knowledge that I need to be better equipped and in turn better lead those that Christ has entrusted to me. This first course at CLI has been a blessing.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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