Christine's Ministry Training Dream

Christine’s Ministry Training Dream: Free Training? Yes!

My name is Christine Asser, and here is Christine’s ministry training dream story. I live in the UK. I am the 7th child of my mother and the 11th child of my father. My birth was in Ghana and my higher education in Russia and the UK. I started going to church at a very young age and joined the church choir in my early teens. My mother said that when she was pregnant with me, she heard a voice telling her to attend the Methodist church. So, she obeyed, and I was born into the Methodist church.

My Journey

I stopped going to church during vacations when I was in secondary school. My nonattendance was because I couldn’t afford to wear new clothes every Sunday. As I attended boarding school, it was compulsory during the term to participate in the church service on Sunday evenings. I also participated in the scripture union meetings. By the time I finished the sixth form, I had lost all my childhood friends due to frequent moves to different towns and addresses.

During my university days, I led my life the best I knew how and made mistakes. At no time in my life did I forget God. But at some point, I had Him in the background, not serving Him or obeying His commands. I completely forgot what God required of me and that nearly ruined my life. There were so many agendas I wanted to complete at my own pace and time. I forgot Proverbs 19:21 “There are many plans in a man’s heart, Nevertheless the LORD’s counsel that will stand.” (NKJV)

Seeking the Lord

After I completed my two years of national service, I desperately sought the LORD. I went to a Pentecost prayer camp for two weeks to fast and pray. There I was completely healed from a stomach ulcer that took my joy from me through primary school until after university. I continued searching and frequently went to mountain tops to pray.

God has blessed me with two beautiful children, which I don’t deserve, but He showed His covenant of kindness to me. I am very thankful.

My Spiritual Dream

My spiritual dream is to establish Christian camps for the youth to attend during their school break vacations in Ghana. I want to help them include God in all their decisions. In Ghana, most of the young girls commit sexual sins that lead to abortions because of their need for food and clothes. The Christian camps will take them from the streets during their vacations and teach them about the LORD.

Obstacles and Growth

Growing into maturity, I encountered many obstacles. I came from a house of abundance, but I lacked everything. I was the only child who was denied things through accusations in my father’s household. This occurrence drastically reduced my trust in people.

I got a job that took me places, but I was still not happy. I got spine tuberculosis and prayed to God that in my pains instead of crying, I would praise him. When I prayed this prayer, God gave me a word in Exodus 14:14, “The LORD shall fight for you, and ye shall hold your peace.” This word encouraged me, and I knew I was not going to die.

Next Steps in Christine’s Ministry Training Dream

In both my healing experiences, God became so real and close to me. Many years after the healing, I was praying one day and asked God to reveal Himself to me. I heard a soft voice behind me, saying, “You know I am real.” I have not prayed that prayer again.

In November 2018, I published my first book on Amazon titled “Ask God Questions.” God also allowed me to preach in two churches: St Paul’s Methodist and GICC Assemblies of God. This opportunity has been a great blessing to me and others, though I had no ministry training.

For many years, I tried to go to seminary, but it did not matter how much I searched, the fees were not affordable to me. I prayed about it. I asked God to open doors for Christine’s ministry training dream if it is his will. Just two weeks ago, I found the Christian Leaders Institute on the internet.

Free Ministry Training at CLI

I couldn’t believe it, I checked and double-checked. I told myself that this might be a con. They wanted me to start the course, but then they would hit me with a hefty bill I couldn’t pay. So one week after I registered at the CLI site, I was still afraid to start watching the videos. I saw the countdown that I have wasted seven days. I got courageous and watched and reading the material and realized it is not a lie; it is true. There are no tuition fees. I thank God for CLI, and I pray that God will bless the founders from generation to generation.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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