Called to Mission Ministry

Called to Mission Ministry in Liberia

My name is Helena Dunbar, and I am called to mission ministry. I am married to Winston Dunbar, and we have four daughters and a host of acquired children also in Africa. When my father died when I was 14, I experienced the presence of God. I heard, “I am the Lord thy God. Thou shall have no other god but me. For I am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:2,3,5). That scared the grief out of me but served as a calming, peaceful, and strengthening time throughout my life. Therefore, I always think of Him in times of trial.

My Life Journey

I am a Deaconess in my church, serving communion and participating in various activities.
I must confess that there were trials and tribulations. However, I knew to call on Jesus and wait through the pains. I had an agreement with Him from the hymn that “this too will pass.” It was just a matter of when. He always came through, whether it took days, weeks, months, or years. We smiled or laughed out loud together in the Spirit.

I  lived more of my life in the USA than I did in my birth county of Liberia, West Africa. I came to the United States in 1980 right after the Civil War in Liberia, where my uncle was one of the 13th government officials executed on poles. It was a sad time for the whole nation. Every man, woman, or child was affected during the entire civil unrest. I prayed to return to help in some way. I didn’t have money but remembered that “God will supply all your needs according to His riches in heaven.” You have to step out in faith, and it was a remarkable and crying experience to see the manifestation of God.

Called to Mission Ministry and Ministry Education at CLI

My calling is to return to minister to the children in the church and school in Liberia. I want to build a foundation for them to know Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Great things He has done, more important things He will do in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

I have been praying and searching for about nine years to find a free online school to continue my Christian education. I can only attribute finding CLI to my God as popped up. It was love at first sight. I appreciate and thank Rev. Henry Reyenga, the professors, and the staff for being Kingdom Builders with a great passion for Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord!

Learn about Ministry Degrees at CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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