Writing ministry dream

Writing Ministry Dream

My name is Susan Thomas and I have a writing ministry dream. I am from Lolo, a small town in Montana. Though Lolo is small, we are just six miles south of Missoula, a fairly large town where my husband and I work and where our youngest son attends high school as there is no high school in Lolo. Being a Christian here is easy, but being a Christian leader as a woman is difficult wherever you live. That is a big reason why I decided to get some additional, formal training.

My parents were overseas missionaries, so I grew up in Central America (Nicaragua & Costa Rica) and Argentina. I accepted Jesus at a Vacation Bible School program in Bolivia when I was 5. I was baptized in a river in Argentina when I was 9. I strayed from the Lord in college and ended up unmarried and pregnant. However, despite great pressure to obtain an abortion, I chose to parent my daughter alone instead. I was kicked out of my Christian school for my choice, but I reconnected with God when I discovered that my daughter (though unplanned) was His gift to me, not a punishment. He gave her to me and rescued me from an abusive relationship because He loved me, despite how I had failed Him and my family. That is when things really turned around for me spiritually. I am now happily married to a Navajo man who adopted my daughter Yesenia (21) and together we have two sons, Dakota (18), and Novik (15).

I have been working at a pregnancy support center for over five years where I help young women and men who are experiencing unplanned pregnancies and unhealthy relationships. My “Spiritual Dream” is to use my writing and publishing abilities to engage in Christian education and ministry in a way that will help women (in particular, but all people) experience Christ in a real way free from the oppression of patriarchy. Though God has not yet given me a specific direction in regards to ministry. I already am an author and publisher, so this can help my future projects in my writing ministry dream. And, perhaps, I will start publishing podcasts.

Being able to study for free at Christian Leaders Institute is a Godsend because I have two kids in college right now. We’ve also had a lot of automobile trouble lately, and we have thousands of dollars in home repairs we need to make due to some water damage our insurance is refusing to cover. But, I’m not complaining. God has blessed us greatly. It’s just that this opportunity is pretty amazing and will allow me to do something I wouldn’t otherwise be able to do. Thank you, CLI!

Learn about Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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