Understanding Scriptures

Understanding Scriptures

My name is Steve Chrispine Banda; I am currently in Cape Town, South Africa. I came down here some few years ago to further my education; my plans did not go as planned due to lack of support, I did what I could do to at least have something to be proud of. Here to say the truth, when it comes to ministry work is impossible to operate to our capability because of many false prophets which make the government of the country come hard on people of God and impose rules that favor only unbelievers. Nevertheless, all are not lost because we serve God who is El Shaddai (God Almighty). We do all thing through Him (Jesus Christ) who strengthens us.

It was in the year of 2000 when I first came to South Africa; I was born from a Christian family by virtue, I am the first born of the living children. I was born after my mom had had two kids dying after just two years after birth. I was born as Kondwani (given name that means Happiness), but later my name was changed when I went to High School. So one day when I was busy doing normal work, something clicked into my life and reminded me to visit a local church, the following Sunday I went to church, choruses, hymns were sung and the moment I sang along could hear my voice being repeated somewhere else and got confused. I did ask my fellow attendees if they were confronted by this sound from heaven, I was told that was just imagining things. The pastor called for altar call I went in front and confessed Jesus as my Lord and personal Saviour according to Romans 10:9-11. I confirmed with 2 Corinthians 5:17, 1 Cor 3:16. Since that time I could see visions and dream prophetic dreams.

I am already a Pastor after acquiring a Diploma in Ministry Studies. I have a small community fellowship Ministry called Divine Power Of God Ministries. My dream is to take this ministry to the world, especially home country Malawi, I have ministered there before, but people lack deep, profound knowledge of God. They call themselves Christians and claiming knowing God but with their work they crucify Him. They are involved in witchcrafts, illuminant, demonic killing – the Bibles teaches us that we cant serve two masters at once otherwise one of them will not be happy, and Jesus said “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’

The courses dished by CLI are not just free but very helpful in Understanding Scriptures for minisry, profound and penetrate where just sermons on pulpit can not reach. Its a go deep type of teachings that seminars, universities can not teach within the period of Six months or so. What a privilege we have at CLI. The course has given me a new approach to the Bible and how to read with understanding or repeatedly – my walk with God has climbed from one dimension to another within a short period.

I want to use the knowledge I got from CLI to evangelize and change people’s lives and open the eyes of the blind and ears of the deaf.

In my life many things have happened such as I lost a job with an international company and was left with nothing no food on the table being a married man with two lovely kids was tough out there. God was only my hope for more than one year and that time God used me mightily and many people gave there lives to Jesus, and I have never been so close to God like that moment. I prayed without ceasing until heavenly showers were upon me again. My heart was filled with His love to serve him only, and I did it through local churches and ministries. I became committed man of God ever.

There are a lot of challenges in this area; people are interested in social activities rather than God activities. Connecting to the Bible has brought transformation to my life in the sense that Bible has become inspirational to my life and ministry.

Many local churches have supported me, and I locally serve with many people from different ministries.

My family very supports, my wife is a woman of God, she is a prophetess who is used by God mightily. So we are a big team, though at the moment she is back home doing the ministry work, soon I will follow her hence studying here.

This scholarship is very vital to me because it will equip me with a lot of studies which is not easy to get elsewhere without coughing out thousand of Dollars in tuition fees but here is free hence I am working extra harder so I can achieve what I have registered for. I understand that after finishing this course my life will never be the same again and the past will be indeed over.

Please pray for me that God may release me from every bondage am in and please keep me in pray for this ministry so that one day I can be able to launch it in my home country Malawi as the Bible says: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future – Jeremiah 29:11. Amen!!!

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