Women's Ministry Studies

Women’s Ministry Studies

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing women’s ministry studies and becoming a leader in Christian ministry. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing women’s ministry studies to spread the word of God.

My name is Swe Swe Khaing from Myanmar. I have been married to Mr. Anjay Chitrakar for more than 11 years. I am 45 years old. Currently, I am a housewife. I was a Buddhist until I was 33 years old.
Before I came to Christ, I used to live the lifestyle where I was afraid of everything. Over small or big matters, my mindset was to only think of FAILURE, because of I experienced many fails by that time. Nerves, anxious, scared, disappointed, give up… those words were the expression of my feelings and thoughts in those days.
In 2005, I went to U. A. E (United Arab Emirates) to work as a retail staff. Over there, I got to know my future husband as a friend. As I got to know him, I was able to see how he treats everyone with a  nice attitude. He is so helpful, kind, positive… and so on. So, I started asking him about how can he maintain all these attitudes towards people around him. He then told me that Lord Jesus Christ, Scripture, Bible and prayer are the things that keep him moving on. I thought that was amazing. We discussed our two religions for many days whenever we had free time. Most of the time, I argued with him based on my own belief to make sure what I believed was right. He explained the difference between my beliefs and believing in Christ. A few weeks later, I realized my interest in Christianity. Praise God! Buddhist girl is touched by Jesus Christ in Arab land. About 1 year later, before our wedding, I gave my heart to Lord Jesus Christ.
My ministry goal is to reach out to those who are like me, living in fear of the world. Reaching out to the women who can’t express themselves, but need someone to speak out for their situation. Reaching out to the people who want to live righteously but don’t know the way. I am especially concerned for women and children.
I have encountered many girls and women who need help to get out of their situation. Whenever I speak to them, although I pray and ask Holy Spirit to lead me and help me before I speak, I find I still need systematic training to make this ministry more effective.
CLI is a big help for me to accomplish my passion. It has a special course for women’s ministry studies, and also CLI courses that cover many aspects of different ministries. CLI can not only help my ministry goal, but also will allow me to teach others to be in ministry as well. I will strive to help the people where language is a barrier to learn high-quality training. I hope to be a teacher to them and share the teachings from CLI with them.
I pray that may God bless CLI founder, principles, staff and generous donors.

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing women’s ministry studies and becoming leaders in Christian ministry and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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