Trained Christian Leader

  Trained Christian Leader

Become a trained Christian leader today! Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers free high-quality online ministry training. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who found CLI as a tool to follow his dream of becoming a pastor and serving God:

My name is Faustin Buteera. I currently live in Uganda. My parents came to Uganda escaping the genocide in Rwanda. I am currently running a small business in Mukono district as my official work. I was given the privilege to go back to school and attain my bachelor’s degree in procurement and logistics management in the year 2011.

I serve in a local church of a small congregation of about 50 people. In this part of the country I live in, Kayunga road, people are still so much into witchcraft even though they claim to know and believe Christ. At one time, we were attacked by a group of Muslim youths who wanted to remove timber from our church. We are glad the local authority was around to put the young men to sanity.

Growing up as a young man, we always went to the local catholic church at our previous location before we moved here. My mom really wanted me to go to the Catholic seminary school, but I never attained the right grades to get the scholarship. Like many young men here, education is such a huge privilege. I attended the catechism classes which I excelled. But still, I couldn’t join a seminary college. My mom was disappointed, but she really had nothing to do about it. I miraculously managed to go through high school with help of lots of mom’s friends. My dad was that kind of father who was never responsible.

By 16, I had started making wrong decisions, drugs, alcohol but, always made sure my mom had no idea. I pulled it off for 2 years until one evening when I met young Mormon missionaries who were moving in my previous area of residence. I was taught and finally got converted and eventually stopped all my old habits. I really didn’t care so much about the doctrine. I was enjoying the company of young men who strive to live according to the precepts of the Lord. Fast forward a few years. While at work, I met a nice lady who later financed my second year of my college education. This is when I started questioning many things I had learned from the Lord’s church. I started reading my bible and understanding who I am in Christ and what the bible says, about marriage, grace and biblical authority and not adding or reducing on the word and the holy spirit. It was after this deep search for the God of the bible that I started attending Pentecostal scripture unions and later on by the end of my second year I confessed the lord Jesus Christ. And finally got baptized.

My dream is to be a pastor, share the word, and start my own ministry. We have many church leaders here, but the field is ready but the laborers are few. I dream to become a trained christian leader within my community. The Lord delivered me from drugs through people who really never taught biblical doctrine, but nevertheless, he did. I dream to minister through the holy spirit and help the souls I touch. I hope to cultivate a relationship with the Lord and understand Jesus Christ. Many young men and women still struggle with tuition. Eventually, because they can’t study, they end up joining peers that lead them to paths that led to their destruction. My aim is to touch the youths and remind them of the grace of the Lord.

My pastor has been very instrumental in my growth, he has always given me a chance to preach on Thursday, which is the youth Thursday every week. I have been able to inspire and revival in our youth service which has been a strong indicator in my ministry journey. I have also been able to move to different churches courtesy of my pastor’s network.

I have always struggled with tuition; this has made me search for free lectures, papers on the internet until one time the Lord revealed CLI. I had to wait as it was hard to access the internet and a personal computer but now glory to the Lord I can.

My scholarship will help me build my knowledge for the gospel and also be more confident when sharing the word. It will also enable me to be recognized as a trained Christian leader through my certificates and diplomas eventually in ministry.

Please, pray for me so that my ministry dream will come to fruition.

Check out more stories about students becoming trained Christian leaders on the CLI facebook page

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