
Minister Ordination

Are you called to ministry? Maybe God has changed your life, and you know you are called to give back as an ordained minister. Maybe you already serve in ministry and see the need for minister credentials. Maybe you have been asked to perform a wedding and want to be part of a minister ordination program that brings more credibility.

Christian Leaders Insitute is your gateway into a highly regarded minister ordination program that is Biblical and ministry skills oriented.

This program works with two organizations. First, you take tuition-free ministry training with the Christian Leaders Institute; then, you go through a minister credential program with the Christian Leaders Alliance.

The Minister Ordination Program

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers you tuition-free ministry training courses. CLI will help you recognize your calling and unique gifts for ministry. You will be taught with high-quality ministry training classes that prepare you for ordained leadership. These courses are vision partner supported, which means that vision partners support this training, so you may take the training free of charge.

Christian Leaders Alliance, connected to the Christian Leaders Institute, will guide you through a credible, internationally, and locally recognized minister ordination process. Ordained ministers are Christians who are called, gifted, trained and set apart, and locally ordained for ministry.

Steps for Minister Ordination

Step One: Get Ministry Training

Begin ministry training in your area of interest. We have over 150 courses, including free mini-courses and complete college-level courses.

These tuition-free courses include the study of the Bible, Ministry, and theology.  Enroll and complete Old Testament and New Testament Survey. Take a mini-course course on Essential Christian Theology.

Have you been asked to officiate a wedding? There is a popular one-credit college-level course that you might enjoy!

You can access this free ministry training by enrolling at Christian Leaders Institute. Complete a getting-started course in less than an hour, and you are all set. Enroll here to set up your free study account.

Step Two: Complete the minister credential requirements at the Christian Leaders Alliance.

The Christian Leaders Alliance partners with Christian Leaders Institute to provide minister credentials and membership with a global network of clergy members.

Christian Leaders Alliance began in 2014, credentialling volunteer, part-time and full-time ministers with clergy credentials. A Global Ministers Commission oversees the work. Thousands of credentialled ministers are included in the global Ministers directory.

In this step, you will select the minister role you are called to serve. There are five of them. All of them are clergy credential-grade, depending on your specific interest and the time you have to complete a study program.

The five Minister Ordination Roles are:

Christian Officiants –  The core credential is the Christian Wedding Officiant. One study course and one recommendation are needed for this credential.

This credential allows you to confidently and legally officiate weddings throughout the United States and many places worldwide. This role usually takes about 10 hours of involvement. You must submit one recommendation.

Field Ministers – The Field Minister role has traditionally been considered a lay minister category. This role primarily requires mini-courses that take less time to complete.

Many who complete this role serve as ordained elders or deacons at their local churches.

Coaching Ministers -The Coaching Minister credentials are designed for those who seek to practice coaching as credentialed ministers. You need to submit two local endorsements for this ministry program.

This coaching role is ideal for those who desire a coaching practice or serve in a church as coaching ministers. This program includes some Coaching training courses.

Licensed Ministers – The Licensed role is designed primarily for volunteering or part-time ministers. These ministers often have another means for their direct support.

Licensed ministers often continue to study more and become ordained ministers.

Ordained Ministers – The Ordained role is designed for those interested in deepening their ministry preparedness. This role is more suited to those seeking part-time or full-time minister positions.

All these clergy roles have a local endorsement feature. This establishes more credibility for your ministry.

After you complete a clergy role, you are also welcome to take ministry specializations. Click here to find out more about the specializations. 

Step Three – Register Your Ministry

What is next after you have completed ministry training and your minister ordination??  Some of you are called to develop a local ministry impact. 

Have you checked out Soul Centers? Soul Centers are places of ministry. The Christian Leaders Alliance allows credentialed ministers to register their local church religious society at the Soul Center Directory

Soul Centers recognize different purposes and sizes of ministry for credentialed ministers. 

What type of soul center would fit you? 

Each Soul Center has a different purpose depending on the gifts and calling of the credentialed minister. Here are the different types of soul centers.

  • Local Fellowships
  • Ministry Practices
  • House Churches or Churches
  • Ministries
  • Leadership Mentor Centers

Click here to learn more. 

Take Aways:

  1. If God has called you to pursue minister ordination, these grassroots ministry training and credentialing roles are available at a low-cost. The ministry training is tuition-free, and the Clergy Recognition packages have low administration fees.
  2. These programs are ideal for busy people with limited study time with a definite call to ministry. This program opens the door to many possibilities.
  3. There is little risk in beginning your studies and completing your program to become a minister with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Give it a try!
  4. There are exciting options for local ministry with Soul Centers.


Not My Own
Brian Govender