I am 53 Years Old and have committed my life to the Lord almost 23 Years ago. I pray that I can Untitled-1serve the Lord Jesus the remaining days of my life.

I feel that the photo attached is the best way to describe myself at the very best as I lived my earlier years in rebellion to the Lord.

My sins have caused him to die for me even though I am unworthy of his forgiveness. He still carried me in my needy days when the only thing I deserved is to be thrown to hell.

I cannot thank him enough for his grace which he granted me freely and dwells in me through his spirit. I pray that he allows me to share and tell every person I come across in my remaining days what he did for me and willing to do to any person who place his/her trust in him and surrenders his/her heart to Jesus so he/she will get the eternal forgiveness and spend eternity with him in heaven.

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