Ordained Independent Pastor

Ordained Independent Pastor Studying at CLI

My name is Leonard Fuller (Lenny for short). I am studying at CLI to become an ordained independent pastor. Forty-three years ago, I married the wonderful woman that God has graciously given me. We have two children and five grandchildren. Last year, I had a Stem Cell Transplant. It will be a year in December when my son graciously donated his bone morrow. I praise God for my family. God has blessed my family and me.

My Initial Calling: God Makes a Way

I was called ten years ago while attending an ordination service. God talked to me about becoming a pastor in His church. I said, “There is no way. I do not like to get up in front of people and talk.” However, He kept talking to me. “No way, Lord, I am not qualified,” I said. But He was persistent. He reassured me that I could do this. Finally, I said, “Okay, Lord! I will talk to my pastor.”

I did not feel comfortable to do funerals. But, my aunt was dying of cancer and in the final stages. I went to visit her. We talked, and she said that she was not long for this world. She did not know yet that God was calling me to be a pastor. Then she asked me if I would be willing to do her funeral. I told her that I didn’t think I could do it. She persisted. So, I told her that I would look into it. I asked my pastor if I could, and he said that I could if that is what she wanted. You cannot put restrictions on the Lord. I did my Aunt’s funeral, which was ten years ago now.

Finally, I went and talked to my pastor about becoming a pastor. As we spoke, he laid out the requirements. A high school diploma was something I did not have. When I left the pastor’s office, I told the Lord that I am not able to be a pastor because I did not have a high school diploma. That did not stop the Lord; He kept after me. You cannot say no to God! So, I finally looked into getting a high school diploma. I attended classes and completed my education. Now, I have a high school diploma.

A New Direction: Training at CLI to be an Ordained Independent Pastor

God has called me to ministry because I would never have done all of this if it weren’t for the Lord pushing me. I got a high school diploma, performed a funeral, went to Basic Lay Speaking and Advanced Lay Speaking. I completed my candidacy program for the United Methodist Church.

Currently, I feel that God has a different plan for me. I have been a Licensed Local United Methodist Pastor for eight years. I want to further my education and become an ordained independent pastor. When I first got my call, I was making excuses not to answer my call, but the Holy Spirit kept after me. I believe the Holy Spirit is calling me in a different direction, and that is staying with the truth that the Bible tells us to follow.

This new direction led me to the Christian leaders Institute for free ministry training. I plan to take the ordination course as well. I look forward to being an ordained independent pastor and serving where God leads me!

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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