Online Free Bible Training

Online Free Bible Training

I am excited to receive online free Bible training at Christian Leaders Institute. I was born in 1971 in Pakistan. I am married and a mother of three daughters. I migrated to the United Kingdom in 2015. I studied MBA-HRM, and my total work experience in administration and HR is 23 years. I was raised Christian and belonged to a church-going family. My parents taught me about God ever since I was a child. I used to call upon Him in times of severe need and thought He is the one I am worshiping and asking for my needs. The Lord’s hand was with me, but I only realized this when I received Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Saviour and got baptized in 1998. The understanding of God’s deep love and the kind of love He wants from us took me many years to understand. But I knew God was at work in me.

I completely surrendered my life to Lord Jesus Christ in 2013, when my youngest daughter was ill and bedridden. I confessed my sins and asked God for forgiveness. I prayed that He would save the blessing He had given me. I promised that I would give my life to serve Him. The Lord heard my cry and my child was saved at that point in time. I was not sure how I was going to fulfill my promise to the Lord. But I started feeling myself under that burden. At that time, I was working with a multinational company as their permanent employee. While praying, God told me that I cannot serve two masters. Still, I didn’t understand what that meant. And how does God not want me to work when my home and family were depending on that job?

I was confused and disturbed. I wanted to serve the Lord but didn’t want to leave my job. In two years, I was working with the church and sharing the word of God with others at my workplace and at my home. But the Lord showed up in a situation where my organization was laying off some people and my name was on that list too. This was the sign from God that He wanted me completely in His service. In these hard situations, I felt closer to God and started trusting in Him because I knew He had been preparing me for this. Meanwhile, He opened other doors for me and my family, and we moved to the United Kingdom in July 2015.

Since then I have experienced God using me by sharing my testimony at different churches and the people I meet everywhere I go. He is our provider and I am His living testimony for how he has worked in me and through all aspects of life. My personal life, my marriage life, and my family life. Now I understand His love which is above everything in this World. He has been teaching, guiding and using me as His vessel. He brought me into His obedience according to His word. The Word has become alive to me. I never thought that God has chosen me ever since I was in my mother’s womb. I was blind but now I can see. He is our provider and shield of protection. His Kingdom is very near and more workers are required to harvest.

I was a regular church member of Living Branch Church in Pakistan and with the help of my Pastor, I learned a lot about God and His purpose for our lives. Here we are a regular member of Oxford Baptist Church, Hartlepool, United Kingdom. I am also a member of a women’s group meeting that is held once a week. The Holy Spirit is using me and it is such a wonderful experience the way God uses me to Glorify His name.

I have been interested to learn from this online free Bible training at Christian Leaders Institute. I desire to have further training to help me in evangelizing. My experience is that when God works in you and teaches you it’s a wonderful work of the Holy Spirit. We need to develop a relationship with the Lord every day. He will teach and guide us and shows us the path to walk on according to His promise.

As I am on a journey with the Lord so I have a hunger to know Him more through this online free Bible training at CLI, through my praying and reading the word of God on a daily basis, and by trusting Him. Sometimes, I don’t even realize when God uses me. I am not in search of becoming a pastor or deacon or having my own ministry or church. I want to serve the Lord in any way He shows me by living as an example of His work not only for my family but for others. It is all to Glorify His name forever and ever.

The Lord said, “I will teach you and I will guide you and show you the path on which you will walk.” My heart believes in Him completely and I am walking by faith. CLI mentioned that through the online free Bible training we will discover whether we are under any calling from God to serve Him. Right now, He has shown me that my purpose is to tell others about the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus is coming soon.

Hebrews 11:6 King James Version (KJV)
But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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