My Ministry

My Ministry Journey

My name is Roseline Udoetuk, and I am from Nigeria. My ministry journey began with my parents. My father was a spiritual leader whom God used in many ways to bring the lost to God. Father never compromised our prayer time, daily Bible reading, and fasting with anything. He assigned us a Bible passage and asked us to teach each other. We never missed Sunday school. Sunday school was like an actual school, where we wrote down the Bible passages, homework, and prayer. Each Sunday, our homework was due, and we must not give any excuses.

This spiritual upbringing brought us closer to God. I grew up to realize that God has a purpose for me. It used to be annoying when my mother woke us up at 5 am to get ready for prayers at 6 am. Then, my father rang one loudest prayer bell. Often, at that time, we wanted to sleep more. However, our mother said it was prayer time. Even though it was annoying to wake up early, the benefit today has paid off the lost sleep. It made me God’s child because a child of God must pray, read the Bible, and obey God’s command.

My Ministry

My ministry is to preach and teach the nation about God. I have a passion for teaching little children and teens about God’s love and faithfulness. I want them to know that God cares about them no matter what wrong they have done as long as they genuinely apologize and confess to God to forgive them. Our God is so sweet, and His mercies endure forever. I am blessed to be chosen by God to be a worker in his vineyard. God used me in so many ways to inspire others. I love everyone, irrespective of their culture, race, and ethnicity. If I serve God and love God, I must love others.

I teach in children’s church, and my passion for teaching the children grows every day. I love kids because they have much potential that God has deposited in them. When we carefully understand them, we can see the special blessing that God has for them.

I am one of the children’s church teachers. My experience with them is fun. I enjoy teaching the children the Bible because the word of God builds solid roots for them to serve God wholeheartedly.
Once, I was a women’s leader, which I enjoyed. I learned that a walk with God could be rocky but fruitful.

Daily Ministry Walk

I walk with God daily in prayer, Bible reading, and the meditation of God’s Word. I am so happy to be chosen by God for His great work. Each week, I deliver God’s message on YouTube and Facebook. Daily, I pray with my family and have Bible reading and worship devotions. I pray that God will continue to use me in His call to serve in His ministry.

Since coming to the Christian Leaders Institute for free ministry training, I am happy to learn more about God and the history of God’s creation in the Bible. God is sovereign, and we must worship Him in truth. Thank you, CLI, for this educational opportunity.

Used by God

God has used me as his messenger. God reveals to me through dreams, prayer, and His words from the Bible. One day at a wedding, a man told me that God has a purpose to use me as His messenger. I am to yield to the call of God, or I will be miserable.

Another time on an occasion with my friends, an 85-year-old man told me that my father allowed God to use him. I also have the same purpose in me like my father. I should never let anyone stop me from serving God.

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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