Ministry School Dream

Ministry School Dream

Hello, my name is Patrick and my ministry school dream has been fulfilled by the Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Rehrersburg, Pennsylvania. I love the Lord with all my heart. Most of my life, I have been trying to fill self with the world. I was first saved when I was 17 years old. I remember seeing a video on how Christ died for my sins, and I felt the Holy Spirit come into my life. I was saved by His given gift of grace through Christ. I received Him with joy and told all my friends in High school how we should read the Bible. I was laughed at.

As I faced the persecutions of this life, the enemy snatched my joy away. I soon became a victim again to the alluring pleasures of the world. Alcohol was the void filling cure, or so I thought. I lost relationships and jobs because of the drink. It was 2009 when I hit rock bottom in Philadelphia with an eviction notice on my door. When I called my dad, he said, “Pat, pick up the Bible.” I didn’t have much in my apartment at that time, and I found It peculiar when I did find a Bible in an old stack of books. I started reading. Once I confessed, His never-changing faithfulness was there to forgive me once again as He promises.

I strongly felt called to go into the ministry. I got involved in my church, wrote tracts and handed them out in local parks. I was completely filled with the joy of the Lord. I was also looking into ministry schools at the time. I started to feel discouraged. Little did I know, there was a huge spiritual attack going on. I prayed a prayer, “Lord, please give me a wife and a family, or help me go into the ministry.” Within three months after that prayer, I was married to a beautiful Christian woman. We now have two kids, Grace and Noah.

Shortly after my marriage, I landed a dream job with a great salary. And my ministry school dream started to fade. Once again, I stopped reading the Bible and stopped my devotions with Christ and wandered in the desert. The grieving I was causing the Holy Spirit within me was agonizing. God planned for me to go into a Christian rehab for a year. My wife is currently in severe debt because of the loss of income.

This time around, I’ve learned to love Christ in obedience which I believe is the true success of the Christian life. Obedience also in His calling for my life, and NEVER to be discouraged again. With no money left to start ministry school, I was praying hard. My spiritual mentor said, “Be patient, He will present Himself to you.” That’s when the Christian Leaders Institute was presented to me as an answer to my ministry school dream. I am in the ministry training study program at CLI and am excited to serve Christ wherever He leads me.

Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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