Ministering to Young Women

Ministering to Young Women

Ministering to young women is needed now more than ever! Who will do this mission?  Kristin Perry is called to do this. Read her story and sign up for free ministry training.

My name is Kristin Perry and I live in the United States. I was born in 1993 to two loving parents. My mom and dad were Christians, but due to time restraints and the struggle of raising a family on a single income, we never attended church regularly. Growing up I was sheltered and was told what was right and what was wrong.

As I began getting older, I also began to rebel against my parents. I ended up pregnant at the age of 16. Luckily, my mother helped me raise my disabled son. Being naive, I continued to go down the same rebellious path, seeking worldly desires. I was on a path to destruction. This is when I began to see God working in my life.

I was in a really bad car accident and I saw the Lord telling me to get my life right. I had a son with autism who needed me. When I turned to God and turned my back on the harmful temptations of the world, my son started to heal and my life got significantly better. It was like I was seeing the world through another set of eyes.

His grace and mercy began shining on my life. It took a couple of years of me wandering off my path before I really understood what He wanted to do with my life. He showed me in many ways that He wants me to minister to young women and use my life as a testimony. I feel that He wants me to show women that they are so precious in His eyes and that they’re worth so much more than what they think.

My mission is to show women through God’s Word that as long as we follow Him, He will give us all the love we need. I’m both happy and blessed that I found Christian Leaders Institute. They’re equipping me with the knowledge I need to minister to these women in need. I hope to graduate through CLI and start a women’s ministry very soon. I want God’s light to shine through! Thank you Christian Leaders Institute for providing the resources us disciples need at no cost! You have truly been a blessing in my life, and I hope I can spread that blessing to others!

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