Men's ministry

Men's ministryMy name is Solomon Johri and I am a 44 year old husband with 2 young boys. My wife Ginger, Isaiah who is 11, Elijah who is 8 and I live in rural east central Pennsylvania. I have been called to men’s ministry.

I was born in Ontario, Canada to an unlikely combination of immigrants. My father is a Muslim from Pakistan and my mother is a Roman Catholic from Italy. My father decided that he would have me raised in my mother’s faith. I attended 13 years of Catholic school and now like to consider myself a recovering Catholic.

When I was 8 years old I felt the call of the Lord to serve him as a priest. My mother steered me away from the priesthood so she could have grandkids. I graduated high school and lost my faith for a number of years. In college, I met my wife and we feel deeply in love. We attended my wife’s evangelical church which was completely foreign to me. I went in body but never felt the Holy Spirit working within me.

In 2004 I was diagnosed with Stage II-c testicular cancer as well as a teritoma attached to my ureter. As I was to begin chemo, my wife gave me a ribbon pin with a scripture passage she chose on it: Psalm 18: 1-6. I grabbed my Bible, read the passage and wept. I had finally found solace in God’s word. That day I dedicated myself to the Lord most high Jesus Christ. He has become the water of my life and He has blessed my family since.

We attend the same church and I have served in youth and music ministry. I felt the Lord was guiding me to minister to young families. Many men have lost touch with the leadership roles that God has given them.  I am preparing for men’s ministry for men at CLI. With the help of the Holy Spirit I would like to help guide men as I have learned to guide my family.

Now, finally, I am in the process of fulfilling God’s calling those 36 years ago. Unfortunately, being a dad and the sole provider for your family limits your time and money. I could not return to college without incurring debt that my family cannot absorb. I want to share my love for God the Father, His only Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I know with the help of CLI, I will be able to accomplish what God has called me to do.

Christian Leaders Institute Note: Click here to Begin a Study for Men’s Ministry

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