Life Coaching Goal

Life Coaching Goal with CLI

My name is Susan Molina. Currently, I reside in Cedar Grove, New Jersey. I have a Masters in Education, a Bachelor’s in Business, and received my diploma in Doctor of Naturopathy in October of 2018. I recently enrolled in the Christian Leaders Institute online to study for my life coaching goal. I’m thankful I live in the USA, where freedom of religion and education exists.

My Struggles

Born in Fresno, California, to a mentally ill mother and alcoholic father, it was a dark, desperate place. However, I did have a grandmother who would pray with her rosary. We went to the Catholic Church, but I never understood why God would let us suffer so terribly at the hands of my parents. At the age of fourteen, I could not take it anymore and tried to kill myself. As I lay falling asleep from all the aspirin I swallowed, I remember asking God to save me. He did! At the age of eighteen, I left and never returned. I attended college and was the first daughter out of five to earn a college degree.

I was homeless and pregnant at the age of 34. My fiance threw me out, and my four-year-old son lived with my ex. After my daughter was born, I met a minister at the gym who told me about Jesus and salvation. I believed but backslid and continued to live in sin as I also went to church and prayed. Another marriage later, another son, another divorce, another homeless episode, finally my life became unmanageable, and I cried out to Jesus, telling him I was ready to surrender.

My Spiritual Dream

My spiritual dream is to share health and wellness with women who like me looked for love in all the wrong places. I hope to share with them that God is their husband and will love them like no other.

I was humbled last year when my company let me go and I became homeless again. Sleeping on the couch of my ex was tough, but I got to see my teenage son every day. My son humbled me when he told me Jesus set him free.

In October of 2019, I asked God for some success in my new straight commission sales job. He put me in front of five doctors in three months, catapulted me to number one sales rep, and placed one of my doctors on the COVID-19 first worldwide study for exosomes for FDA review. I was also able to get my apartment and found the Christian Leaders Institute through prayer and longing to understand how to serve God with my life.

Life Coaching Goal

I hope to complete the Christian Leaders Institute Life Coaching program. To incorporate it somehow into a business. I’ll use the money from my sales job to help others receive the free education I have so graciously received.

I was googling ministry training, and after seeing the cost, I knew I could not at this time. So, I googled free ministry training, and CLI came up. I was like wow!!!! I got my Masters and ND on virtual training, and so far, CLI is equal or better than what I received before. The free training is so critical because it’s giving me the foundation I need for my life coaching goal. I can begin my ministry with confidence in knowing that it is not me who is doing it, but the Holy Spirit who lives in me.

So far, the CLI training has been a great reminder to me that my walk with God is essential. I want to share it with those who also need freedom from sin and a walk with God. I love the sound of God’s wind and have gained so much knowledge in my walk with the Lord in just these first two classes.

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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