USA Bible School – Jay Fine, a student at the Christian Leaders Institute online Bible school, reflects on the course Pastoral Care and Marriage, Which he took during the second semester of 2013. In his reflection on this Bible school course, Jay says “As I review all the information presented in the Pastoral Care and Marriage course I believe I see four primary areas that are particularly important to me: Boundaries, Conflict Management, Marriage, and Well Lubricated Nuts & Bolts.” Continuing his reflection, he further explains, “Identifying and using the proper boundaries will help me focus on what God is calling me to do, dedicate the proper time to my wife to build our marriage, and afford others an opportunity to serve.” This is a good reminder to all who are involved in the ministry. The core of ministry is service. This includes serving God as He has called you to and creating a platform for others to serve God in the church community.Bible School

As he continues his reflection, Jay says “Dealing with conflict a crucial step and primary lesson to becoming a Christian, perhaps that is why we spend so much time with it. Two of our most important steps of a Christ like life are found in Conflict Resolution – Forgiveness and Love.  If the forgiveness and love of Christ were the only two things I was ever able to teach than perhaps that is the mission God has given to me.” This Bible school course, Pastoral Care and Marriage, has taught Jay some key concepts involved in pastoring a community of believers.

USA Bible School Certificates at Christian Leaders Institute

When Jay first enrolled in Christian Leaders Institute, he took the course Getting Started: Christian Basics Certificate. This course introduced him to the CLI Bible school model. At the same time, one of the assignments in the course required him to write a letter introducing himself to the Bible school faculty and donors. This letter detailed what brought him to Christian Leaders Institute and what he believed his ministry calling to be. As he talks about his ministry calling, Jay says “I believe my current calling is to continue supporting my Church as a Lay-Pastor and to serve as a volunteer Chaplain with the local Police and Sheriff Departments. Until God gives me another calling I look forward to the day (in about 5 or 6 years) when I can retire from my job and spend more time working for God.” When he submitted this final assignment, Jay became one of maybe 10% of students who start this Bible school introductory course and actually complete it. He also obtained the first Bible school certificate offered here: the Christian Basics Certificate. His work and dedication to the Lord have carried him far in realizing this step of his ministry dream.

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