Free Online Ministry Courses - Student Achieves His Calling

Hendrik Nel could not afford a traditional seminary education, but with Christian Leaders Institute he can now take free online ministry courses, and fulfill his calling in ministry!

Free Online Ministry Courses Help CLI Student Achieve His Calling

You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free. (John 8:32)
My name is Hendrik Nel and I live near Johannesburg, South Africa. We are a country steeped in spirituality. Although this includes all kinds of beliefs it most sincerely also include Faith in Christ. For over 300 years Christ has been preached in the streets and in all kinds of houses. He has set all kinds of people free and His message still remains the biggest in the country.

At the age of 8 I was in a Sunday school meeting and accepted what the lady teaching us, said. She spoke about Jesus in a way that I completely understood and accepted. There was power in her words as, I now believe, the Holy Spirit gave her ability. I remember the moment I received Jesus as my Saviour well. For days afterward I wanted only to draw pictures of Him as I felt my heart completely filled with His love.

My dream for the future is to take this Truth, this Love, this Reality I found in Jesus to whoever is out there, but especially to those who know about Him. Those who are caught up in places that give God lip-service only, but never really open their heart to Him. Kind of like the old song says: “I love to tell the Story to those who know it best, seem hungering and thrusting to hear it like the rest…”

I have been an assistant pastor for 8 years up until recently when I had to quit for various reasons. I definitely would like to be a Pastor again as this is where, I believe, God has given me anointing. In order to reach and teach those who “know” about Him, I need to be a recognised pastor to minister effectively into their lives. This is where I want to thank CLI for what they are doing in qualifying workers for the Kingdom!

On the 10th of October 1986 I was filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. This single event placed God’s desires in my heart. Over the years following, up to now, God has been busy fulfilling each of these desires, one by one. The next step, I believe, is for me to stand in the position of pastor in the area God has already prepared for me.

There are some unique challenges in my geographic area that will need to be addressed. The area is huge and has a lot of farms. The towns are well populated with mainly middle and low income groups. Out on the farms the population is obviously less concentrated, but still reachable. Luckily people living around here are used to travelling, so where-ever God stations us will be accessible to most living in the area.

I am thankful to the church I was associated with for the teaching they gave into my life. There I also learned how to do church administration, help people, run church services and all aspects of ministry. The church we currently visit, as members only, is also teaching me great aspects of the love of God. This, I believe, is the greatest teaching I need to reproduce in people outside the church.

My grandfather, on my mother’s side, was a pastor. My mother and father were saved as well as my siblings. I grew up in a Christian home where we loved God. I am immensely thankful to God for the blessings of these, my forefathers, that He has graciously also granted me.

As I stated above, I need to study to be approved by the people God is sending me to. Without a formal education, which I cannot afford, people will not hear me and the message of Love and Grace God has given me. I have noted how people will not regard our words today, even if they are God-ordered, if we do not have an education behind our name. A study bursary of CLI will take away this problem!

May I ask you as the leadership at CLI to please pray for me so that God’s will shall be done. May He open the doors He planned to be opened and may all other doors remain closed. Also ask that He will be glorified with all I endeavour to do.

I thank you and bless you in the Name above all names – Jesus, the Saviour.


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