Free Online Bible School

Free Online Bible School

My name is John DeWit. I am taking classes at Christian Leaders Institute a free online Bible School. I am from Montreal, Canada. I am presently working with underprivileged kids in Cambodia but the path that got me here could only have been provided by God.

My mother abandoned my brother and me when I was 4 months old and my brother was eight. I was placed in an orphanage until the age of thirteen. My father was in the military and could not look after a baby. I would come home every other weekend but usually to an empty house. On one of those weekends alone, I was watching TV and there was a Billy Graham crusade on. I loved the message and accepted Jesus when I was eight years old. I was innocent and had no mentors to explain what I did, but God knew I was sincere. I struggled through life and did all the party stuff, got married and divorced.

In my late twenties, I went to a crusade with my brother and we both recommitted our lives to Christ. This time, I knew what I was doing and things started to change. I attended church regularly, met my wife, we have been married for 32 years, and also got involved. We have two God-fearing children and God is Good.

In 2010, I went on a missions trip to Cambodia with my daughter and fell in love with the country. I especially fell in love with the kids and at the time we visited an orphanage. I came back a mess, crying and not understanding why Cambodia had such a big impact on me. My wife looked at me and said, “It’s because you can relate, you were one of them once.” WOW!!  A light bulb went on and everything fell into place.

It’s now June 2018 and we are making plans to head back to Canada. We are asking God to show us where he wants us to serve next. It’s been an amazing adventure and God provided for all of our needs. I am eager to continue my studies here at Christian Leaders Institute a free online Bible School and see where God uses this in my life. Thank you and God bless!

Learn about local ecuministry Ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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