Free ministry training opportunity

Free Ministry Training Opportunity

My name is Nicole Roane, and I currently reside in Texas in the United States of America. I have lived here the majority of my life. From the time I was an infant, I was raised in the Catholic church. My household contained both parents and two brothers, and we were living the American dream (at least, it appeared that way). Then my life took an unexpected turn for the worse when my parents divorced my Senior year in high school. That was the starting point to my abandonment of faith. My mother left, and I was left with my resentful father and brothers who relentlessly took out their anger on me. Thus, I relinquished my relationship with Christ and instead chose to search for fulfillment in sex, drugs, alcohol, and abusive relationships. My life rapidly spiraled downward until I finally hit rock bottom at the age of 22 when I found myself unwed, pregnant, jobless, and homeless. My family had rejected me, I had no friends, and I was by all definitions of the word, alone. For the next nine months, I suffered through what was hands down the hardest time of my life. The only good thing I thought I had to look forward to was the birth of my now 14-year-old daughter. Once God graced me with her birth, I began to hear Jesus calling me back to Him. It took several months, but I finally heeded the call and found a church. God rescued me from that point — I was no longer homeless or alone. A few weeks later, I was baptized and began a new life with Christ. Since that point, God has blessed me with a husband (which I never thought I would have) and two more daughters who are now 11 and 9. Marriage and raising a family has not been easy, but through the love and mercy of Christ Jesus, we have thrived, and our family has been blessed beyond all measure.

Last year, I went on a Walk to Emmaus where a fire was ignited within me to get to know God like I never had before and to step out and serve Him as a leader to others using the gifts He has blessed me with. In my fourth day, I began working at our church as Worship Leader. It was there that I began to feel the Holy Spirit pulling me towards furthering my education in the non-traditional sense. He was very clearly calling me to a Bible school. After much prayer and deliberation, I stopped procrastinating, and I began searching for schools.

Both my church family and my home family were excited to hear about my calling, and they have all been extremely supportive of my endeavor expressing their excitement to see what the Lord will do and how He will use me. I don’t have a specific ministry calling at this point. I just know this is where I’m supposed to be. I’m blindly following by faith. What I do know is God is good, and He will provide a way. That’s exactly what He has done for me with CLI. I was fully expecting to have to incur thousands of dollars of debt to obtain this education He was calling me to. Then, He led me to CLI where to my amazement, the price for education was calling not money. The foundation for which this institute stands is a breath of fresh air. Someone finally got it right!! Jesus didn’t charge His disciples to learn from Him, so why should anyone else? Thank you, CLI, for this free ministry training opportunity to further my spiritual education for the glory of God!!!

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