My name is Wesley Bell, and I live in the United States. I was born into a Christian family where my father was a Deacon, and my mother was a Sunday, school teacher. Being raised as a Christian it is sometimes almost taken for granted as to what it truly means. I was baptized and excepted God when I was nine years old. Because I believed, it was the right thing to do. (At the time I truly do not think I was ready).

Shortly after that, I started attending a Christian ranch camp on 4000 acres. It was an amazing adventure with an eye-opening experiences. It showed me a true example of what God’s presence can do in people’s life. After six years of attending summer camps, I started volunteering as much as possible ( but I lived 350 miles away). I finally joined the

I finally joined the full time ministry team there as head of maintenance. I asked my life long friend which I met there at the age of 12 to marry me. We currently are cerebrating our 14th year of marriage blessed by God’s grace. We are out of the ranch ministry full time now and trying to take a more active role in our church. I feel under prepared for some of the obstacles presented to us there and hope by doing the courses through CLI I hope to prepare myself better for the challenges. We also hope to start missionary trips through our church soon. I have loved the course so far and can’t wait to dig deeper.

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