Evangelism Ministry Dream

Evangelism Ministry Dream

My name is Doug Witt, and I have an evangelism ministry dream for my life. I live in Maryland just outside of Washington D.C. I am the oldest of three boys. My parents moved the family to the shore in the winter of 2001. Currently, I work for a retailer. I also own a side business in graphic design, artwork, and jewelry. My community is a small, close-knit one.

Being a Christian leader in my community, those who have questions and are seeking God see us as a source of hope. Multiple people have come to me for prayer and with questions about God and the Bible. I serve in various areas of my home church that I have attended since 2009. In my church, I worked with young adults, youth work, newsletter editor, usher, Sunday School teacher, VBS leader, mission trip volunteer, and various committees. In my ten years in the church, it has taught me many valuable lessons.

Early Life and “Aha” Moment

Growing up, I was baptized and raised in the Catholic church that my family attended. I continued in the Catholic faith even after we moved. In the fall of 2006 was when I stopped attending the church all together due to the passing of my grandmother. So for two and a half years, we did not attend church. That is when the world started to take its toll on me.

From the summer of 2014 to the spring of 2015, there were two instances where it finally hit me how mighty God is. Both happened to friends of mine when their children were born. One friend gave birth to a little girl who had a rough start. The doctors said that she would never walk or talk, and she would have many learning challenges ahead. She is almost five years old and is walking, talking and has no learning challenges. The second was when another friend gave birth to her son two months early. He coded three times, and the doctors brought him back. Then he had a massive brain bleed and lung issues. The doctors said he would not make it, and if he did, he would also have a challenging life ahead. Now, he is almost 4 and is as healthy as can be with no sign of damage at all. That gave me my spiritual awakening.

My Spiritual Dream and My Struggles

My spiritual dream is to continue the ministry legacy of my family. I come from a long line of ministers, pastors, evangelists, and priests on both sides of my family. My role in the church plant of my friend that I have been a part of since before it started allows this evangelism ministry dream to happen. I get to use my artistic, organizational, writing, planning, and leadership gifts in that ministry.

In my life, I faced few significant hardships. However, I have had struggles. They allow me to use my experience to help others going through the same thing and make me the person I am today. Two of the hardships that I have dealt with have been the lust of the flesh and mental health. Lust of the flesh is a day to day battle for me. Because even though I have come out of my addiction, I still live with it. Through my relationship with Christ, I realize He carries me through the battles as I never fight it alone.

On the other hand, I thought my mental health struggle was something negative for a long time. But then one day, I said to God, “I have mental health issues. You know that. God, I ask that you allow me to use my experience as an example when the time is right.” That is what God did. In January of 2019, on a youth retreat, one of the boys asked a question about people with mental issues and Christianity. I knew then and there that was God saying now is the time. I answered his question, and I heard God say well done.

Blessed Life and Free Ministry Training at CLI

For me, humbling events come in everyday life as I follow my evangelism ministry dream. Every breath that I take is an opportunity that I get to spend here on earth growing in my knowledge of Jesus Christ and being able to share that knowledge with others. There are people who in their lifetime never got to experience the word and love of God. I am also humbled by the many experiences and opportunities that I have been given in life which many people will never get.

Through the training I receive from Christian Leaders Institute, I hope to grow in my walk with Christ and realize my evangelism ministry dream. I hope to expand my knowledge of God and Christianity and be able to go into the world equipped to share the Good News with others. This free training is necessary for me because at CLI I can receive formal training without the high cost of a university. For that I am thankful!


Learn about ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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