I am Pastor Darko Ghanaian by birth, Italian by nationality, lives in Italy since 1993,with married with 6 girls, ordained as the Pastor in 2011 by the Day star bible school in Ghana, I was brought up by my mother who taught me the way of the Lord, I daily moved with her to Bibles studies in the scripture union, I gave my life to Lord in 1976, being born again had the Holy Spirit baptism, was baptized by immersion in 1978 after a three days seminar in a suburb of Accra – Ghana.
Being part of the Scripture Union really helped me to live for Christ, my desire by then was evangelism, down broadcast, distribution of Bible tracts, doing corresponding courses with the World Bible school as a youth with the zeal to know much to serve the Lord, my love for the Lord was so much that I was called by nickname pastor, evangelist and so many, I used to organized my school mates in sharing the word of God, prays with them, I have attended several leadership training course both in Ghana and in Italy.

Since 1979, I got interested in Church planting, in the secondary school I was forming bible groups, weekly worship, praying for people, became a youth leader and doing lots of work in the arena of the church. My desire has since been to learn more of the things of God to enable me preach, and teach His word.
In the year of 1993, changes happen for me. Italy was all a new beginning of my Christian life and my vocation, going from place to place preaching and planting churches. I stared the study of theology in one of the Bible schools in Italian language for barely 8 years without achieving my objective with the difficulties of the their language, I then started different corresponding courses in order to prepare me for ministerial work., but could not complete any for lack of funds due to the excessive charges.

For the 23 years residing in Italy, I see the needs for reaching the people with the gospel of Jesus Christ

Through my research for an affordable Bible Institute I came across the CLI, after reading more about the Institute and testimonies of some of the students I was totally convinced that this is the place for me to have the necessary training I needed to be well equipped as a pastor. Fortunately and, unfortunately, I am self-sponsored in my calling in Italy with my wife’s salary and mine. My wife and children have been of a great help in every area, my late mother always happy to see me working for God that was the revelation she had about me from my childhood.

I am convinced and happy that a scholarship at the CLI will help me become a well-trained pastor God wants me to be.
I will need the prayer of everyone above all the CLI in the area of Boldness in reaching out the people with the word of God that we win more soul to the Lord and machining positive changes in the community.

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