I am Sharin Dorothea Titus, I am living in a small town named Okiep in the Northern Province of South Africa, I am originally from Worcester in the Western Cape of South Africa, I am a married women and we have Three children whereby my oldest daughter was blessed with a son and make us then grandparents. I am a born again Christian and believe in The Bible and Jesus Christ as the son, the Holy Spirit and in God the Farther. I grew up as a young daughter in the Sunday school and later in the Full Gospel Church of God in Worcester`s Youth Ministry. I became the chairperson of the youth as God gave me the opportunity to meet my husband in the Youth Ministry. My husband was the band master of the church then. I believe that God had a purpose with us being together.
As I mentioned, Okiep is a small town with approximately 3000 people, the town use to be a coper minefield where lots of investors use to invest in the town`s copper mines, I was born in Worcester and is the fourth eldest of five children, both my parents already passed away. Both my parents raised me up in the presence of the Lord, Jesus Christ our saviour. I will learn how to deal with any situation within the community and also in the church. Christian Leaders Institute will also learn me how to act as a wife of a Pastor in the church and the community.
My husband introduces me to Christian Leaders Institute`s online learning program where he achieved his Ministry Diploma, I could see that Christian Leaders Institute make the afford to train the Leaders of different churches and from different countries. I had the dream to be involved in the Learning program and to learn more about the Bible and the Ministry. For me as the wife of a Minister of our church, it gave me pleasure in getting myself updated in the newest information regarding the Bible and God. I can see that Christian Leaders Institute will teach me how to act according to the Bible as a leader in the Church.
A scholarship at Christian Leaders Institute will help me grow in my Christianity and I will put the name high and to introduce it to friends, members of the community, all churches and show them how it can be possible to obtain a Certificate free through the Institute.
God bless

Sharin Dorithea Titus

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