Kenyan Free Ministry Training

Kenyan Free Ministry Training

Martin Mwaura was interested in Kenyan Free Ministry Training because he need an option to be prepared for ministry. Christian Leaders Institute offered Marting free training that was available in his area on the Internet. Christian Leaders Institute offers this Kenyan Free Ministry Training to Martin after he finishes a getting started the class that give him a good start in ministry training. Here is his story that bring him to Christian Leaders Institute.

I just completed my studies and the best thing is I dint have to travel. i live in Kenya and i through my computer i can now go out and preach the word of God as per my calling, now i can tell the youths out there be ready for the massage of Jesus our Lord is coming your way with fire.
my journey with God started even before i was born for He says He knew me even before i was formed in my mothers womb, but i confessed with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and accepted Him in my life back in 2003, till today i have never thought of going back. and am Humbles to now have the opportunity to talk about Him(Jesus) to those who dont know Him and to those who know Him but ignore to receive Him.
God Has called me to start a church or ministry here in Kenya,i have always felt good when i see people receiving Jesus and i always join the angles in celebrating. how i wish every human being under the sky will accept Jesus. my dream is not only to start a church but to keep the purpose of the church that Jesus left for us burning. most of church have become a political platform, members of the church are fighting about this about that, we are hating on our own brothers and sister, the respect for the sanctuary has become negotiable.. my dream is to restore the church to Revive the church where worship is the Key and nothing else. where you get gospel preached for free.
i believe my calling is being a pastor, am going to fish souls back to Jesus, am going to be in charge of a congregation that i will go over night praying for them i will teach them all the ways of God.
ministry has been in me like every day of my life, am that kind of a guy who talk to everyone and they listen, and wherever i am guys never get bored they are always happy and eager to listen to my next comment or jock, in this moments God showed me i can use them to preach to this people and get them saved and receive Jesus in their life’s. most of the time i find my self preaching to my self in bathroom talking about Jesus love for all. all this joined together and God has been calling me to ministry ever since i was a teenager.
i have gotten opportunities to talk to teenagers and youth in my local church, when someone of almost you age preaches to you, you see how God can also use you. this opportunity has really mad e me grow spiritually and in my calling.
scholarship at CLI is important to my ministry dream because above being called one needs knowledge and training, with CLI scholarship am sure i will inquire all that is needed to run a ministry effectively. and have documents to prove my credentials.
my prayer request is i get a good mentor who will walk with me through my ministry in opening the church, also pray for me to be able overcome any challenges. and also pray for my church congregation in advance even before they join my church.

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