Biblical knowledge and principles

The Lord is My Delight

Hello! I am David Chege from Nairobi, Kenya. The biblical knowledge and principles I am learning at CLI are a blessing to my ministry. I am 39 years old, married, and blessed with two children who are currently pre-teens. Currently, I am an accountant working in the NFP sector here in Kenya. I am a born again believer. I love the Lord so much, He is my heart’s delight.

Growing Up

Born and raised in a Christian family, I am the second born in a family of four. My father was a full-time pastor in a local evangelical church. My mother was deeply committed to running the ministry, especially weekday fellowships and prayers. However, my father, even though home most times, was unavailable, harsh, and distant. We never felt the presence of a father. This lack led me to dislike church, fellowships, and family prayers. I’d drag myself to church against my will from as far back as I can remember, simply because everyone in the family had to go to church.


I became rebellious from as early as 14 years old. I joined a boarding high school and that earned me freedom. However, I needed validation and fitting-in with my peers in high school. So I soon took to alcohol among other moral frailties. Meanwhile, my heart grew cold and far from God. Every activity done to express faith including church services and fellowships became distasteful. My relationship with my father grew frosty by the day. I cleared high school, left home, went to college, got a job, and settled to raise a family.

His Goodness Reached Me

In 2008, my 7-month-old daughter went down with meningitis. She was in a coma and hospitalized for two weeks. She convulsed and foamed, and I thought she was dying. Miraculously, she recovered and is alive and well. Due to this incident, I became aware of God’s goodness and mercy. He was there and saved her life! I reflected on my life, my job, school, family, and realized that His hand was in it. His goodness displayed only that I was blind and repulsive. Grief consumed me and I sat up at night crying for hours. However, I still pushed Him away until February of 2010. At that time, I ran to a nearby church and surrendered my life to Him. For the first time, I felt the warm embrace of a loving Father.

The Call

In 2013, a minister gave me a word of knowledge and spoke about a calling. I didn’t take it to heart, but my heart continued to hunger and thirst after the Lord. Therefore, I joined the active ministry in my church and served in hospitality, intercession, and the high school program.

I also felt the need to get equipped. So I joined a local college and enrolled for a diploma in transformational church leadership. I soon dropped out following work-related relocation. I also drew away from the Lord following afflictions from a faith-based organization where I was working. However, I thank Christ Jesus because His mercies never fail. He restored me unto Himself and renewed the joy of salvation.

In 2018, I received a dream that I understood to mean a call but did nothing. The same year, while visiting a pastor friend in a different town, he proclaimed a ministry calling in my life. It was consistent with what was spoken over me in 2013. In March 2019, I received an open vision and a voice spoke. These were consistent with the dream. I now understand the urgency of what believers ought to do through God’s enablement. We are to labor in His vineyard while it is still daytime.

On the 7th of July 2020, I decided to check on any online Christian equipping platform. That’s how I stumbled upon the Christian Leaders Institute and enrolled immediately. The biblical knowledge and principles I am learning will aid me in my ministry.

Spiritual Dream

Kenya is said to have one of the highest Christian population ratios in the world at 80%. We have freedom of worship, over 4,000 registered Christian denominations, and church services all over especially in the towns and cities. However, the country ranks top when it comes to social evils including corruption, immorality, violence, and tribal hatred, among others. These clearly point to the kind of religious deception and invasion of strange doctrines that we’ve suffered from especially over the last two decades. There is such a clear mismatch between what people profess and their actions.

I thank God that He is placing the burden to intercede for the revival and reformation of the church in Kenya. There is an emerging movement of believers especially young people who have refused to settle for what religion has showcased. They are crying out to Jesus Christ for renewal and revival. This place is where I belong. I’m excited about what the Lord is doing right now in Kenya.

My dream is to be used by the Lord to confront deception and minister Christ to the people. I want to model the true servanthood of Christ. I want to be used to bring spiritual and emotional healing to people especially families and dysfunctional family backgrounds. All for the glory of God! For this very reason, He created me!

Formal training at CLI will equip me with the biblical knowledge and principles that I need to be effective as a minister. Besides ministry training, I hope to also receive training in Life Coaching. Thank you, CLI!

Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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