My name is Tammy Hawk, and I am receiving free Bible School studies at the Christian Leaders Institute. I live on the East Coast of Florida in the United States. I was born and raised in southern New Jersey until I graduated high school and moved to Florida on a collegiate softball scholarship.

As a child, I was raised to know Jesus. My grandparents made sure my siblings and I attended church and Awana youth group. I loved playing sports, so eventually, my schedule became too busy to attend church activities. I still loved the Lord, but I was so busy with school and sports.


The less time I spent with God, the more I spent doing things that led me to times in my life where I didn’t recognize myself. After five years of “living up” the college athlete’s life, it all ended when I began having unexplained seizures. I could not finish my last trimester of college for my Bachelor in Accounting.

During that dark time, I met a man I ended up dating for 16 years. We had a beautiful daughter together, had great jobs, built a house, and played softball. However, God did not play any role in our life. In 2006, I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia.

More Challenges

In 2013, we had a house fire and lost just about everything! Standing in Walmart covered in black soot, I was desperately trying to think what my family would need to at least sleep that night. That was the first time I felt God’s presence pour over me! His Peace carried me through the next few months.

I met with the insurance adjuster at the house to review our contents. She handed me a book that had been in a cabinet with all my other books five feet from where the fire started. She could not even identify most of the books; however, the one my uncle gave me years ago didn’t have a black mark. It even still had its paper cover! That Joyce Meyer devotional, ”Hearing from God Each Morning,” changed my life!

Later that year, I lost my corporate job and became a single parent. My daughter and I were baptized together in 2015. However, I struggled to find God’s purpose for my life.

In 2018, my health began to take a deeper decline. In 2019, I was hospitalized with major neurological issues. I was having difficulty walking, talking, seeing, and thinking. Since then, my symptoms come and go. I have been to over 15 specialists so far, and none can explain any of this.

New Life and Healing in God

During this last year, my life as I knew it ended. Almost every relationship in my life ended or became distant. My brain struggled in the most basic of tasks. Then the pandemic hit, I had nowhere to turn but to God!

I poured every last bit of energy into my relationship with Him, and I began to know his Peace again. In August of 2020, God brought some amazing people involved in Ministry into my life. That is when my healing began. The first time they prayed and laid hands on me, my right leg grew even to the other. The doctors still have no idea what is going on with my brain; however, I continue to get better and better!

Call to Ministry and Christian Leaders Institute

God is calling me to go into ministry to help heal the sick and broken. He led me to the Christian Leaders Institute. My finances are more than a mess after my health issues, so the opportunity to begin my Bible School studies free is an answer to my prayers! May God bless the amazing people that make this possible for people like me to follow God’s calling!


Learn more about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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