
Becoming a Pastor

by Henry Reyenga

Are you thinking about becoming a pastor? Do you wonder what becoming a pastor includes? Are you called to ministry? 

Most Christians interchange the words “minister” and “pastor.”  See the Christian Leaders Alliance Ordained Minister Program – Click Here. 

The pastor is a specific minister role. The New Testament’s original Greek word is “ποιμήν {poy-mane},” which means a shepherd (literally or figuratively): shepherd, pastor.

The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 4:11, “He gave some to be apostles; some prophets; some evangelists; and shepherds and teachers.” 

Becoming a pastor is a minister that gives spiritual leadership to a congregation or group of people. See Becoming a Minister

If you are thinking about becoming a pastor to others, you could become a volunteer, part-time or full-time pastor. 

What are the steps in becoming a pastor in your church or community?

Becoming a Pastor – The Internal Calling

The calling to become a pastor is where everything begins. Becoming a pastor means God asks you to serve. Maybe he interrupted your life or placed this desire in your heart. This God-asking phase is the internal calling. Are you interested deep in your will?

Jesus ministered to others and called his first disciples in 30 AD. 

After Jesus died and rose again, he called the Apostle Paul on the road to Damascus. Jesus called him abruptly into ministry. 

We read about how Paul’a calling. 

As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from becoming a pastorheaven flashed around him.  He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, “Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?”

“Who are you, Lord?” Saul asked.

  “I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting,” he replied. “Now get up and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.” – Acts 9:3-6

The Internal Calling Now

Some Christians receive their calling in their childhood. Others welcome the calling after salvation from traumatic experiences. Others through visions in the night. Others over time. Each calling is unique. The internal calling is the inner voice of God, audible or inaudible, that speaks to your heart. It is the Holy Spirit’s urgency that you can do no other.

There is more. Next is the External Calling. Do other external from yourself see that you are minister potential? 

Some Christians are called in their childhood. Others are called after a traumatic childhood where Jesus healed over time. Others are called later in life. Each calling is unique. The calling is the inner voice of God, audible or inaudible, that speaks to your heart. It gives you a certainty that you are called to serve the Lord as a pastor or minister. It is the Holy Spirit’s urgency that you can do no other.

Becoming a Pastor – The External Calling

External calling is the confirmation of others. Do people see you as a minister or pastor? 

Proverbs 11:14 says, “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”

Have people approached you and said, “You should be a pastor?” Have you thought about becoming a minister? 

Some called Christians begin serving at their local church. This serving is often an excellent way to see the “external calling.” The external calling comes from your community of faith. Do others see you as a Christian leader? A pastor? A minister? Are you more and more living a life worthy of your calling?

1 Timothy 3:8     Deacons (Ministers), likewise, are to be men worthy of respect, sincere, not indulging in much wine, and not pursuing dishonest gain.

Romans 16:1   I commend to you Phoebe, our sister, who is a minister of the church that is at Cenchreae, 

The Apostle Paul commends Pheobe in that verse.

This confirmation from others is the external call. Other believers or pastors see something you already know is there in you.

Ministry Training

Becoming a pastor is a call that leads you to find the Christian Leaders Institute. Of course, becoming a pastor can be done without ministry training, but those pastors or ministers who complete ministry training benefit greatly.

Two Personal Benefits:

You will become more confident. 

Ministry training increases confidence in your calling. You learn how to interpret the Bible more carefully. You know how to serve people more effectively. You learn the skills of being a pastor while becoming a pastor!

You will be more competent. 

Solid Biblical ministry training helps those who are serious about becoming a pastor. It tests your calling, educates you about the Christian faith and walk, and gives you skills to help you in ministry.

You will be more credible.

People want to know that you have been trained for ministry! The training helps your credibility. You show that you can complete projects and learnings.

How can the Christian Leaders Institute help me in becoming a pastor?

Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) is an online ministry training school many would classify as a Bible School or Seminary. CLI has received a 4.7 rating on Facebook.

CLI offers over 165 free ministry training courses, which include online lectures and quizzes. As a result, tens of thousands of Christian leaders have completed courses at CLI. To join these graduates click on the link to start classes now.

Christian Leaders Institute offers many ministry training awards. You can also enroll in the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School (there is a low-cost fee for administration) if you want to get a bachelor’s degree. In addition, partners like Ohio Christian University will accept the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School bachelor’s degree graduates into their programs. See agreement.

Debt-Free Formal Training

At the Christian Leaders Institute, we aim to keep you out of debt for formal ministry training. The ministry training courses are free. However, there are small administration fees for the credentials. With this opportunity, you can serve as a volunteer or part-time pastor with no problem.

What about accreditation?

CLI’s Leadership Excellence School now has candidacy status with the Association of Biblical Higher Education. This organization is connected with recognized status with the United States Department of Education. This new status benefits you if your passion for becoming a pastor includes studying the Bible at Christian Leaders Institute or College.

Becoming a Pastor – Christian Leaders Alliance License or Ordination

CLI’s Leadership Excellence School and Christian Leaders Institute are connected with the Christian Leaders Alliance. Now you can walk through your calling and preparation journey with a credible clergy track program, including licensed or ordained clergy roles and status.

You can pick and complete 14 roles, starting with the Licensed Christian Wedding Officiant. You could become a wedding pastor after you complete this first role.

Each minister role can be specialized. Click here. 

Christian Leaders Alliance publishes a guidebook detailing a minister credentialing path for the volunteer, part-time or full-time minister. Click here. 

Minister Specializations
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