United Kingdom Ministry Journey

United Kingdom Ministry Journey

My name is Nancy Amponsah Adjei and I am receiving Christian education at Christian Leaders Institute on this United Kingdom ministry journey. I live in Mitcham in the United Kingdom. I am married with many children but two biological sons. I was born in the mission house in Ghana, and grew up in a Christian environment, going to church morning and evening every day until I was eighteen years old.

Later, I became a Muslim. I am a giver by nature and any time I have something I share it and I do it with a passion. So I worked hard to convert people to the Muslim faith. Anytime they were doing something, I made sure to organize the women and do something to help. This pleased the leaders in the community, so they wanted me to go to Saudi Arabia for training so that I could understand the religion very well. They took all the details they needed from me to get me a traveling document. It was my tenth year in that religion. A day before my traveling, I told them I was not interested and I left the Islamic faith.

After two years, a friend of mine told me to look for a Christian church to attend. That advice turned my life around. I sat down and prepared a lot of questions for any church that I would go to because I wanted to know more details of anything that I was doing. I just want to know more about Jesus so that I can share. My local church has been supportive of my calling. They allow me to preach morning and evening services and lead the adult Bible studies in the evenings as well as in the house group. They feel that anyone who has a calling should have a chance to practice it.

I am eager to learn more about God at Christian Leaders Institute through my studies here. I hope to grow in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding in my ministry. Thank you for this educational opportunity.

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