Kenya Ministry Training Dream

Kenya Ministry Training Dream

Hello and greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord! My name is Allan Maingi and I am following my Kenya ministry training dream at Christian Leaders Institute. I live in Kahawa West in Nairobi, Kenya. I am the last of nine children. My father was a prison warden but passed away in October 2016. My mother is a civil servant to the Kenyan government. I was born to Christian parents and was brought up to serve the Lord. However, I made my decision to really serve the Lord in my teens, when I was in secondary school. I grew up in the prison staff compound area which gave us a challenge especially in walking with Christ Jesus.

I currently teach Sunday school children, sing in the choir, and I’m a volunteer with two Christian Organizations, Alpha Trust Kenya and Bible League International Kenya. I am currently a member of the staff of Christian Center Network which is working to equip the incarcerated with Biblical knowledge through World Harvest Bible College.

I am pursuing this course with Christian Leaders Institute for my own spiritual benefit and to strengthen my relationship with the Lord. These classes are already helping me with this. I also desire to be an equipped leader in my local church. I want to be a person who builds others up into becoming mature believers in Christ Jesus our Lord.

My prayer is that I will be ready and equipped for whatever the Lord wants me to do and wherever he calls me to go. As I also train to be a secondary school teacher, it is my humble prayer that I will forever walk close to Him and be in His perfect and unconditional will.

Learn about ordained minister study programs at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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