My name is Rev. Phillip Luvane Coleman, Sr. I am 49 years young, full of God’s grace, favor, faith and love for HIS people, HIS word and of course HIS Son, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

I came to know the Lord when I was about 13 years old, but I started walking in the light of HIS word after serving in the US Marines after High school, entering service in 1983. I was diagnosed with a fatal medical report that could have very well resulted in my death in 1990. I sought the Lord diligently, committed my life fully to serve HIM, never really asking to be healed. But while I was attending Bible College in Maryland from 1991- 1993, I was introduced to the healing ministry through Kenneth Hagin Ministries and Oral Roberts Ministries. Once I received my healing, I was determined that others will do the same. I got married in 1993 and now have 4 children. However, the marriage failed in 2012 and I was very discouraged, and I wanted nothing more to do with, church or ministry, so I thought. It was also hard to lose a Father and a stepmother and step-father in a span of 5 years from 2008 to 2013, especially 2013 when I lost my step-father, who was my best friend and inspired me after the military to seek the LORD.

I had a plan, I will move away from the East coast to anywhere in the US, although overseas looked attractive too. I will start over. Live the life I have until I die. Simple. That was MY plan. But GOD! I got a nice job in Oklahoma with AT&T, still not attending Church, content with work, ready to settle into my so called new life. BUT GOD had other plans for me. I was unable to get any residency in Oklahoma; I was unable to get my driver’s license in Oklahoma, which were both requirements for employment. “What do I do now? “ I asked. Well, all the while I was in serious talk with a woman that I meet about 2 months prior to relocating to Oklahoma. She lived in Dallas Texas, a place I just did not like because of NFL team rivalries! I said I would never go to Dallas. But GOD! My job required us to go to training for 12 weeks and I was told that training was in Kansas City MO. But GOD! My group would be training in DALLAS! So, we (Tammila and I) got closer together and it was a very happy time for me. We went to church together; I met the family and the children and had a really great time. But I had to go back to work in Oklahoma. But GOD!

So once back in Oklahoma, I did in fact propose to my now wife Tammila. She was not coming to Oklahoma, and I was not going to Dallas, so I thought. We were miserable just seeing each other each weekend and everything seem to just not work right. The conversation came up frequently about our living arrangements, being apart except weekends. So I asked the LORD for a sign, and boy did I get one too. I had no place to stay except motels, an expired now drivers permit and driving to get to work on time in Oklahoma, not speeding but a red car does attract attention. Well I did not want to tell the cops my license was expired so they got suspicious, asked my questions, threaten to lock me up and take my car! I came clean, prayed earnestly that HE get me out of this, I will do whatever HE will have me to do. I kept my car however I got cited for the expired driver’s license. I called my wife Tammy, told her what happened and said I would call back. On my way to work, because of the traffic stop, I would be late again to work, weather related week prior I was late; I decided at that moment “Lord, I can take a hint!” I resigned my position, told my wife I was coming home to Dallas!

Now that I have settled in Dallas, I have my license, my new family, my church family, a career a home and am working in ministry again. But I needed more. And I found what I needed in Christian Leaders Institute! The training is very valuable to me at this moment whereas now that I have returned to ministry, GOD has been really dealing with me about the office of Pastor, which was told years prior in 2001 while attending ORU. And I was also told in 2 churches I worked at in Maryland before leaving area. I was content with the call of an Evangelist myself. BUT GOD!

So now I am happy, blessed, encouraged, enlightened and overjoyed with CLI, my church and my Pastor and Man Of God, wife and children and overall thankful for what HE has done in my life!
Glory to God in The Highest, Peace and Good-Will!
Rev. P. L. Coleman, Sr.

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