Tanzanian Youth Leader

Tanzanian Youth Leader

Read here the testimony of Ben G. M., a Tanzanian youth leader currently working and living in the U.S.A.:

My name is Ben. G. M. I live in the United States of America, although I’m originally from Tanzania, an East African Country. I have lived in the United States for over ten years now.

I come from a family of pastors and evangelists. My paternal grandfather was the first African Clergy of the Moravian Church in Tanzania and he served that church for over fifty years. I received Jesus as my Lord and Savior in 1990 after a few years of struggling with a lot of juvenile behaviors. I had attended several revival meetings, and I had an uncle who was a born-again Christian. I knew theoretically what was required of me, but I never took that extra step until I was almost expelled from boarding school in my senior year. If it was not for that decision, I don’t know how my life would have turned out.

My ministry dream is to start an outreach ministry for Christian civil leaders. I’m hoping that the Lord will make a way for me to start a motivation speaking project to encourage public Christian leaders to conduct their affairs according to the Christian principles of leadership. My ministry, I believe, will be like the Barnabas Ministry, meant to encourage people.

After I surrendered my life to Christ I was given several opportunities to attend evangelism school as well as a Praise and Worship Leaders Seminar in Uganda. Later, I was one of the founding members of a Bible School in Tanzania and that was an experience that I cherish to this day.

So far this first class at Christian Leaders Institute has taught me many things, among them the idea that God will always send a revival, and people who are prepared and hungry for the Lord will be useful when that time of harvest comes. For this reason, this class has helped me to reconnect with my daily prayers, reading the Bible every day, and learning more about my faith, which has rejuvenated my spiritual life tremendously. I believe today more than ever I can hear the call to serve the Lord clearly, and my heart is longing to do just that. It is this connection that has lifted my spirit, and I believe God has a plan that is already underway. Just being a member of CLI is enough to show me that I’m on the right track.

I would identify myself as a Tanzanian Youth Leader and an Evangelist. Initially, after I had received Christ, I went all over Tanzania preaching the Gospel and bringing people to Christ. It was the most fulfilling moment of my life to see people making that initial decision of accepting Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior.

My local church back home knows about my ambition and they are waiting and praying for me to go back to work with them to continue what we started some many years back. Because I’m in the United States now, there are not as many unique challenges with the exception of the distance. However, when I go home to start the ministry, the major challenge is always lack of resources.

Right now, I can’t afford to do much as I had wanted. But, with your help, I believe the doors that were closed for me will now open, and I see possibilities that I never saw before. I believe all this is God’s plan. I believe everything will work for good as I continue to surrender to the will of the Father.

Please, pray that God will continue to make a way for me even where there seems to be no way and that I’ll continue to discern and understand what God wants for my life.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.

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