South Africa Ordination News

Christian Leaders Institute works with mentors and churches all over the world in bringing seminary grade ministry training. Once a student graduates with a Christian Leaders Diploma they are invited to join the ordination class. This gives Christian leaders in South Africa ordination options that many leaders need and want. This South Africa ordination is free of charge. Here is a story of a South Africa ordination which took place.

Brian Govender – South Africa Ordination –  I am a South African citizen living in a beautiful world renowned city called “Durban”. South Africa boasts of a culturally rich and diverse ethical atmosphere, and is better known as the “Rainbow Nation”. Peoples of every nation and tongue connect here on our home soil. Religious practices of every kindred is respected and encouraged to flourish within their homes and communities. Christianity like all other religious movements is respected and tolerated equally well here. I hail from a community steeped in idol worship. My small village “Illovo” which is situated in the lower South Coast of Durban has three idol filled temples and two small churches. Everyone is happy and peaceful here. There is rarely or hardly any evangelism done here. On the bigger scale, Christianity is well rooted in South Africa. Both foreign and local ministries (Multi – Denominations) flourish here on South African soil.

The scholarship offered by Christian Leaders Institute has paved the way for me to receive a sound world class biblical education. The presentation of the study and course material by professional teachers is highly commendable. I have experienced much positive life changing moments as I pursued my studies here at CLI. Both the study material and the CLI faculty have challenged me in my thinking and in the way I do things. My mind has been greatly renewed; my understanding of scripture has taken on a new dimension. I would strongly recommend any sincere individual, who is serious about God and the Holy Scriptures, to come and study here at Christian Leaders Institute. I am greatly indebted to CLI. Christian Leaders Institute as made it possible for me to be successfully ordained as a pastor.

The local church congregations within South Africa are extremely particular and sensitive about their pastor’s credentials. This ordination establishes and sets me apart for ministry, for it is publicly recognized within my local context. As an ordained pastor, my desire is to equip the saints of God to be engaged in the great commission “To Make Disciples”, and to be active participating soldiers of the Cross.
I am extremely grateful to my local church and its leadership for awarding me and other future leaders an opportunity to exercise our faith, and preaching and teaching skills within the church. My local church has also been instrumental in developing my evangelizing and outreach skills, and including hospital ministry.
My desire is to see a generation of believers rising up from the mist of confusion and insecurity within the church and taking their rightful place in their own community, and in turn impacting it for Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit.
My entire Christian life was filled with the desire to preach the “Living Word of God”. I have studied through the Full Gospel Church of Southern Africa for a year, but due to unforeseen circumstances (Retrenchment), I was forced to discontinue. CLI is nothing short of a miracle, for when one door closed another had opened. Free ministry training at CLI has set the foundation for me to launch from…into the harvest field. Without this great opportunity of free ministry training I would be at a great loss, and would still be yearning for a sound biblical education, and would not have reached this point in my life… “THANK YOU CLI”.
Placed upon my heart is a specific need, and much prayer is required in this regard. The area for me to engage in ministry is open and very challenging. Please pray for smooth transition during the initial scouting and networking period, and for God to guide and direct me throughout this phase. Please pray for God to help establish me in this specific area, as I seek to win souls for Jesus Christ and to set up a church here. Please pray for a core team to be established and blessed to see this plan through. Pray for other local church leaders to come alongside, and to be supportive in this vision and initiative for the Glory of God.

South Africa Ordination is available for Christian Leaders who are called into ministry and who are desiring seminary grade education.


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