I’m originally from the Seattle area, but I am currently living in the suburbs of Chicago. I have moved around quite a bit due to my work, which has been primarily in communications and fundraising.

I’ve been employed by Christian ministries and para-church organizations for my entire professional career. It is not something I set out to do initially, but in retrospect it seems clear the Lord has called me to work for the Kingdom in various ways. However, I don’t always consider my work my ministry. To be sure, ministry does happen all the time in my profession, but I have always considered my *ministry* to be that which I do for the Lord which receives no material compensation.

That is why I am enrolled in the Christian Leaders Institute. I want to be even better equipped for ministry in my personal life. If I am some day called to take more of a leadership role in a church or another para-church organization, I want to be trained, equipped and ordained for the task. These are interesting days, to be sure. Perhaps even the final days before the Lord returns. I want to make the most of the time, because the days are evil. I want to ‘double-down’ on my commitment to the Lord and His work, and that is why this wonderful free training is such a great blessing.

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