Salvation Army Officer

Salvation Army Officer

My name is Itoro Enang and I am a Salvation Army officer with a ministry dream. I was born on the 29th of August, 1970. I am Nigerian, but I live in Pointe Noire, The Republic of Congo (Congo-Brazzaville). I have been here since the 23rd of December 2001, when I was transferred here. I am married to a wonderful woman, Ndifreke (NDI) and we have four wonderful kids.

On the eve of my first birthday, my parents separated, and my mother took me with her. I rejoined my father in 1977. At this time, my father was in between churches. I wouldn’t call him a Christian in the true sense of the word as he was also involved in some traditional practices. He eventually joined his father in the Salvation Army and rose to become the Corps Sergeant Major of my home Corps. That is how I became a Salvation Army officer too, along with my other siblings. My father gave his life to Christ and was an ardent believer when he died in 2007.

In my early years in the Salvation Army, I did not know that there was more to being a Christian than just going to church. In the 1980s, new churches sprang up everywhere in Nigeria, and preachers emphasized repentance, new birth, holiness, etc. Back then, we found them to be strange teachings, and the preachers were more radical and aggressive than what we were used to in what we called the “Orthodox” churches.

I made a commitment to give my life to Christ around 1989/1990, with a resolve to remain in the Salvation Army and preach to those who were like me. Since I could not further my education due to lack of funds, I got more involved in the church.

My walk with the Lord was not as straightforward as it could have been. During my various travels for work both within and outside the country, I found myself straying away, getting involved in sexual sins. But in all this, I did not forget the Lord. I still considered myself a born-again Christian and struggled to pray from time to time.

When I got married in 2003, I decided it was the time to return to God fully. By God’s grace, I overcame the power of sin and rededicated my life to God. Today, I am the Assistant Corps Sergeant Major in my local church. My role is to ensure the spiritual well-being of my members. I preach from time to time, and I lead the Corps Cadets class as well. I feel so fulfilled when people testify to the impact of the messages God communicates through me upon their lives.

My only handicap has been that I don’t have any sound Biblical training, such as what the Christian Leaders Institute is offering. I have really longed for it and I thank God for leading me to CLI. It meets my expectations for sound Biblical training and doctrine. It’s online, it’s free, and I am willing to donate whatever God places in my heart. The best part is the bi-vocational option.

I believe many people just attend church but do not really know God, or what it means to be a Christian. There are so many false teachings today flowing from very sophisticated sources, well-packaged and delivered to deceive the children of God. I feel I have a duty to teach the body of Christ so they will know the true gospel.

Learn about minister ordination at Christian Leaders Alliance.


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