My name is Evans. I was born 1982 in Ghana to my Ghanaian born parents. I completed my senior secondary education (now senior high) in Business Studies in the year 2001 and went further to complete a bachelor of science in Business administration in the year 2008. I got married to my lovely wife in the August 2011 and we have been blessed with two wonderful kids, Camilla and Emmanuel.

I am currently the Director of Operations for a Capacity Building Institution here in Ghana. I have not been fortunate of having the luxury of living with both parents from my childhood. My parent separated soon after my birth. I spent all of my growing stages with my mum till I completed my secondary education. I started going to church with my mum from my early stages at the Assemblies of God church and got baptized in my late teens at the Original Church of Christ. I am currently with The Jesus Faith and Teachings Ministry where I have been appointed at the youth Pastor by the head Pastor and the Church Board.

My walk with God has been progressive. During my teenage era, I did not understand many things in my walk with God. For instance I did not quite grasp the Grace of God and the providential power of God until it was at after my University Education.

My ministry goal is to (as a Bi – Vocational Minister) capitalized on every opportunity to project Christ and God’s glory to all I come into contact with. Thus Colleagues at the work place, fellow business executives, friends and family, students under my leadership. As the youth Pastor and Leader, I see my ministry work as an opportunity to guide the youth from engagements in activities and social vices that do not glorify God. Through personal experience, I have come to realize the need not to deliberately sin against God. There are things I did in the past (especially fornication or womanizing) which brought unto me difficulties. The life I was living was not the life that is described and desired by Jesus Christ. During my walk with God, I have realized and have come to the acceptance of the fact that sinning or deliberately sinning against God will never go unpunished. When I came to this realization, I did not run from the truth or God after sinning, but rather I confessed, asked God for forgiveness, repented from my sinful ways and also prayed to God for strength to endure to the end the punishment. I have gone through a lot of trail moments and difficulties as a result of deliberate sinning. Most of the youth today are walking a similar path and it is my aim for reaching Ghana youth not to deliberately sin against God. Even those who have done so will be coached and guided not to run to the world, but assure them of God’s love if they should remain under His watch.

Also, I seek to develop my personal relationship with God. During my Studies of the Word, I have come to know more about God and His Devine Providence. Also I have to know much more about myself. I wish to continue to know more and more and will stop at nothing. Getting closer to God has revealed to me the magnitude of His amazing love and power. All He wants for me is to be glorious. I have also come to the realization that God will achieve whatever purpose within His providential act with or without man’s effort to establish His Glory. I seek in life is to live for Him and also play a God Pleasing role in His providential act.

I want to surrender my all and give up everything to God just as Christ Jesus did and to inspire others to do the same. I want to be dead to sin, and dead to worldly ambition. I yearn for knowledge and revelations in God’s word. I have also come to realized that studying the Word all by myself will not help me achieve the impact I seek to have in propagating God’s Word and His glory. Getting a scholarship with CLI would help tremendously and will be a great building block for further studies.

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