My name is Julie, an Indian citizen female, aged 35, born and brought up in the Middle East. I did my schooling in the Middle East Indian School and further moved to India for my higher studies (finished my Bachelor’s degree program in Speech and Hearing in 2000). My family was from the Protestant background. I’m not sure of how aware everyone is about the lifestyle in the Gulf – monotonous, dry, and lonely. Parents usually work long hours to earn maximum income to save up and use money for the future. In such a busy schedule, children are usually ignored. Their educational needs are catered by tutors. Food, clothing, toys are all taken care of from the money that parents earn. Once a week, traditional church was a ‘MUST TO GO’, event rather than ‘WANT TO GO’. Such was my life too. And so, the emptiness in me eagered for the truth. One day, God graciously allowed me to attend a Pentecostal meeting where in one Minister of God was used mightily in sharing about the Holy Spirit and His works; I received Our Lord as my Personal Savior during that meeting. The greatest day of my life. After which, my entire life changed from sorrow of being alone and rejected to unspeakable Joy of having the King of Kings as my Best Friend. My Passion for reading the Bible, having long hours of Quiet time devotion increased to the point that I didn’t eager for any other companion, until the time God revealed to me the man I was to get married to. He was faithful to His promise. I got married to my Husband after 7 yrs of courtship and we’ve been happily married for the past 10 yrs and blessed with 2 beautiful children, aged 7 & 2 yrs. At present, we are residing in Doha, Qatar. Children are going to school and I’ve been working as a Speech Therapist for 10 yrs too.

As far as my spiritual Background is concerned, I’ve done my Discipleship Training Program in YWAM (Youth with a Mission), from Chennai, India in 2002. I’ve also been Women’s Leader in the Church out here (but took a break from my assignments during my second pregnancy) and actively been a part of the Intercessory Team with the giving of short Exhortations too. Both my husband and I have been blessed with good leaders over us, both from India, Middle East and abroad too. Middle East Church activities can be challenging at times as we have to abide by the rules of the land. We might not be as privileged as those from abroad but yet by the wisdom of Our Lord, we still manage to be a testimony and a faithful worker for Our Lord (More details cannot be given about this matter at this point)

Off late, a strong conviction has come upon me that I have to learn the Bible in a more extensive and organized way. My leaders also recognize the calling of the Lord over my life (to be a Bible Teacher) and support me very well, in pursuing a good Bible Study Program, Since, I am working and also have 2 kids to look after, I was really praying that I could find a program that would not be so burdensome with respect to time and at the same time be affordable. Words cannot express the happiness I had when one of my leaders mentioned about CLI to me. It is definitely more than I could ever ask for.

I have witnessed so many Revival meetings that was organized in my home town and in the Gulf. One of the key elements that most of the churches leave out is the immense follow up and discipleship that the church would require after such meetings were conducted. Our Lord has definitely commissioned us to ‘GO’ but He further says, ‘make DISCIPLES of all nations’. How can we make disciples unless we teach them how to obey & follow His commands and teachings on a daily basis? This teaching cannot be done through a single meeting…not even in a week. Churches definitely require teachers who would help the congregation in their daily living challenges. And that exactly where I want to be.

Attaining a scholarship in CLI & moving on to study further courses, would definitely help me in the calling God has over me. My passion / my dream is to teach the Bible to small groups, family cell meetings, train & counsel Women and Couples. In due time, as God reveals, I would like to completely devote my services to the church and my Family and move out of my profession of being a Speech Therapist. Until then I would be very grateful if you could pray that God would grant me all the wisdom, time, patience and discipline I would require to complete this course. Thank You so much for giving me such a wonderful blessing. Amen.

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