Pursuing Evangelism Training

Pursuing Evangelism Training

Join today and receive a scholarship towards pursuing Evangelism Training and being a part of the spread of the Christian revival. Christian Leaders Institute (CLI) offers the ability to earn a scholarship for high-quality online ministry training. This training allows you to follow your dreams. CLI accepts any individual anywhere in their life to learn about Christianity. Read a student’s testimony below who is an Emergency Room nurse who found CLI and is using the scholarship for pursuing Evangelism Training.

My name is Tara. I live in the United States and work as an Emergency Department Nurse in the state of New York. I used to think that being a nurse was my calling. I got into nursing because I wanted to help people. As the years went by, I realized that I was seeing far more death, major illnesses and people at their lowest points in their life than any person could possibly help. I began to feel extremely frustrated. I had worked so hard to be the best nurse I could be but still felt like I was not making a difference.

At the same time, I was also searching for God. I had been raised as a Catholic but although my family dropped us off to Sunday school on Sunday mornings we did not live a life based on biblical principles and never ever read the bible. I eventually walked away from formal religion. I studied on and off with other denominations but never truly committed myself to God. It wasn’t until I was in my early 30’s and already the mother of 3 children that I found Jesus and was saved.

My husband and I have both felt the call to ministry for a while now but with 3 kids, student loans and full-time jobs we had no idea how we could possibly afford the training needed to do what God has been calling us to do. After exhaustive online searches, I came across Christian Leaders Institute. At first, I had to check to make sure that this opportunity was not “too good to be true”. After realizing that CLI was legitimate, husband and I both enrolled.

I feel a calling to Evangelism and local outreach as well as missions. While looking for a mentor we were invited by a pastor from the church we were attending to help him plant a church in the local area where we live. (We had been attending church 45 minutes from our house). The Pastor we are now working with has asked me to be in charge of the local outreach for the new church! This has truly shown me that it has been God that led me to find CLI and plans on using my husband and myself to help plant a church in a spiritually starving area to spread the Good News!

Finding this training at CLI has brought renewed excitement and confidence to my ministry. It has allowed me to pursue Evangelism Training and follow my dreams.The fact that my husband and I were approached and asked to join in building a new church has been a humbling and overwhelmingly joyous experience. Having my husband now be part of CLI is also a uniting experience for us because we motivate each other and we are finding ways to include the kids to show them the joy in serving Christ and following his commission to become “Fisher of men”. (Matthew 4:19)

Please pray for me as we enter into uncharted territory in our ministry. Living in the United States offers the challenges of the overwhelming acceptance of materialism and immorality. People fill the emptiness in their hearts that only Jesus can fill with material objects or immoral behavior and then can’t understand why they still feel empty. Many may have attended a church during the holidays or for a wedding or funeral but reading the bible and having God have a place in day to day living is not a regular occurrence. Please help us pray that we are able to reach the hearts of people who are starving for the Gospel.

Check out more stories about CLI students pursuing Evangelism Training, becoming leaders in Christian ministry, and much more on the CLI Facebook page

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