Pastoral Ministry Ordination

Pastoral Ministry Ordination

Kelli Elizabeth Vance from Calgary, Alberta, Canada is taking a step in her calling. Pastoral Ministry Ordination is being conferred on her through Christian Leaders Institute by her local church leaders. Pastoral Ministry Ordination means that a person called into ministry is confirmed in her calling. It also means that local Christian leaders acknowledge that calling. Finally, it means that she has gone through the necessary training appropriate for that calling.

Kelli tells her stories,

I grew up in Calgary, Alberta, Canada and still live there today. I may never fully appreciate just how privileged I am to be living in this part of the world. With all the freedoms and liberties this country provides, life has been especially good to my family and me. I grew up in a Christian home, and I’m the oldest of three children. I was a troubled kid and didn’t always embrace going to church when I was young, but God gave me great parents, and looking back now I have a deep sense of gratitude for my family and God’s providence.

Pastoral Ministry Ordination Journey

When I found out that Christian Leaders Institute was free, I couldn’t believe it. I’ve always wanted to go to Bible College but couldn’t afford to. I signed up not knowing where it would take me, that was almost four years ago now. I can honestly say that the knowledge and education I have learned has influenced me very much. I have grown in Biblical knowledge and wisdom and my walk with the Lord is much deeper and stronger. People who know me now, who used to know me before, say that I am a different person because my confidence in God is growing more each day. I believe this is true because I have a strong sense of faith, and the evidence of the Holy Spirit is seen manifesting in my life and character.

Pastoral Ministry Ordination will provide me with a feeling of accomplishment and sustain me with the confidence I need to move forward in ministry. After ordination, I plan to teach Bible studies and facilitate a weekly devotions group for the residents at my place of employment.

Pastoral Ministry Ordination will allow me to identify with many of the above ministry roles, but evangelism is probably my strongest attribute. I am interested in many Christian Leader roles like Women’s Pastoral Ministry or Prison Ministry Chaplain. In addition, I love to teach and lead small groups. My experience includes: serving homeless people and helping people who struggle with mental health and addiction issues. I also hope one day to do missions work and become a Church Planter.

Pastoral Ministry Ordination Confirmation

On May of 2014, I had an amazing opportunity to travel to Israel and other parts of the Middle-East. Since then my life has changed. God has put it in my heart to advocate for people living in poverty and for women’s rights. I love to pray every day for these people, and I am passionate about helping them in anyway I can. I enjoy listening to people tell their stories and being there when someone needs a friend. My quest is to educate and share the gospel with people all over the world and from various walks of life.

Many people in Canada are biblically illiterate and blind to what’s really going on in our world today. I feel a sense of urgency to challenge what people believe in according to God’s Word. I’m committed to finding out and creating unique ways to get conversations going about these leading topics, especially with refugees. I am convinced Christ is currently revealing Himself to people all over the world including the Middle-East.

I am very blessed because I work full-time for a faith-based Outreach Ministry that also functions as a Para-Church. My current title is Support Worker and Crises Counsellor. Working for a faith-based humanitarian organization that supports the same beliefs that CLI does, makes life enjoyable, and I am honored to carry this job out to the best of my ability. I also have the privilege of sharing the gospel at work, and I hold small group discussions and Bible studies each week.

Pastoral Ministry Ordination in Practice

I’ve been volunteering and working for various faith-based organizations for the past ten years. I believe Evangelism is my calling, and I faithfully proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ each day. I am not afraid to seek the Lord for wisdom and to share His word with our lost and broken world. My life hasn’t always been easy, but God has always been there through life’s storms. I am a single mother of twins, learning to find ways to cope at times seemed impossible, but leaning on God and His Word continues to keep me filled with joy and peace.

 Pastoral Ministry Ordination and the Free Ministry Training

Three years ago when I started CLI, I had no Biblical training. Today, I feel equipped and ready to take on each day. I have hope, and I am self-assured in Christ. Many doors have already been opened for me, and I owe it all to the training at CLI. This journey is well worth it, and it continues to be a life changing opportunity.

Please pray that I continue in an attitude of humility and obedience to the Lord. I pray that I will be mindful of representing CLI in the light of Christ and to the best of my ability. I pray that I respond to the call of action when I am needed. I ask for wisdom and discernment each day. Furthermore, I pray that the CLI classes continue to be free, especially for those who are less fortunate. I pray that CLI reaches more people across the globe. I highly recommend CLI to anyone who is unsure of how to make their dreams come true. Thank-you for this incredible gift and amazing opportunity.

Many Blessings,
Kelli Elizabeth Vance
Calgary, Canada, Alberta

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