ordination class online

I’m Benson M. Chavez, 41 years old, married and my wife is also my partner in our ministry to God. We have 3 children and living in the Philippines. We’re known as a Christian country in Asia where most of it are Catholics. A country full of traditions, peace loving and hospitable as visitors from foreign lands always say.
I’m blessed and grateful to God for letting me have an opportunity to study at Christian Leader’s Institute where lots of knowledge and wisdom are being taught which was integrated with my walk in God in my life. I really enjoyed every topic, the professor’s different views and styles, new learnings and environment which greatly helped me and every Christians pursue their calling into the ministry.

This Ordination Class online was indeed an accomplishment for me. Though I’m presently into the ministry as a Pastor in the last 13 years of my life, it helped me a lot in reminding me what it is to become an Ordained Minister, the duties and life of a minister and so on. I’m a Probationary Pastor since I’ve entered into ministry and God willing will pursue an Ordination Examination in our denomination this coming year.

My calling is more of an Evangelist and Church Planter. I love sharing God’s Word and salvation to people in different areas specially in my place where Rural Evangelism is applied. By God’s grace, together with my very supportive wife, Elizabeth and my 3 kids who was my very first intercessors when we planted a church in Nasugbu, Batangas way back in the year 2007. Right now, we have 2 daughters in mission areas and we are praying that these mission areas will become fully established churches in God’s timing and direction in the near future.

When God called me to become a Pastor after a few years of being mentored by my Pastor then in Manila, Philippines, it was a joyous feeling which up to now the passion blooms every day. Ordination made me feel satisfied and thanking the Lord for giving me the trust in leading His people back to Him. I didn’t have any Bible School or Seminary background then but heeded on God’s calling in my life in the year 2001 and felt the joy and privilege of God’s calling as Pastor’s laid their hands on me and was accepted as Probationary Pastor after passing the examination and interview. Have a secular job as an Electronics and Communications Engineer but my job assignment was transferred in this place early 2005 and it was God’s plan for my life to plant a Church here together with my family. It was difficult to pursue church planting before but that was God’s way of teaching me His way just like Paul as a “Tent Maker Missionary”.

I was also being trusted by God to handle Nutrition programs in our community through a Foundation which helped people with Malnutrition problems. Took these opportunities with my team in doing Holistic ministries in different schools, towns and communities, integrating the Love of God to many. It was an opportunity to win souls and make disciples. And up to now, our ministries have gone to 5 towns in our province in partnership with other churches doing the same ministry in a span of seven years. It was always a fulfillment when you see people got saved and lives were changed by God.

My local church is very supportive in my ministry. Many have been trained and was being mentored to do the same and I’m very thankful that my calling was also the calling of the church in planting churches. Their heart was also molded by God into this kind of ministry.

CLI and their ordination class online has been of great help to fulfill the calling of God to me through Online Schooling and has also a blessing to many. I have had quality training for free and its mission to educate people of God to fulfill their calling effectively is really an amazing act of ministry. You are indeed God’s channel of blessings to many who have difficulties of studying in a Bible Seminary because of high fees. This ministry has the anointing of God and is seen in the lives of people sacrificing for the love of God and to be of service to fellow Christians.

Continue to pray for me as I also will continue to pray for CLI’s mission and vision. God bless you always in all ways CLI!

1 reply
  1. Bevil
    Bevil says:

    The minister isn’t and should not be a government worker of the Church. Over all the minister is a man who lives for the soul of God. This being the case the Seminary is where he figures out how ‘to accompany Him.

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