Opportunity for Ministry Training

My name is Sami Soldan, a Romanian serving in Mongolia. I am excited about the free online opportunity for ministry training at CLI. In 1989, I was born in Romania. When I was 14, I went to a boarding school for boys and only came home during the holidays. After graduation, I decided to move to Rome, Italy, and I was really determined to make a lot of money in order to afford a good life. At that point, I thought that going to college was a waste of time and money. Two years later, I came to realize that all my efforts to get rich and to follow a materialistic dream were futile, my heart was empty.

Direction from God

I was very far from God. Even though I was born in a Christian family and trusted Jesus as my Lord when I was 16, I was living my life without him. I enrolled in a discipleship school, not necessarily thinking of pursuing a full-time ministry but to strengthen my relationship with God. During my time there, I felt called to share the Gospel with people who have never heard it. I decided to study further on how to work more specifically in a different cultural context. Then, I took a one-year mission course. At the end of the mission course, we were to take a short term mission trip. I chose to go to Mongolia.

During my three weeks in Mongolia, I met a lot of local believers and saw a lot of needs and opportunities for ministry. I sensed God directing my steps towards this country. However, I was young and couldn’t see how I would find support for my needs there.

Opportunity for Ministry Training Online at CLI

Anyway God removed the barriers one by one. A year later, I started to serve Him in Mongolia. After eight years of bi-vocational ministry, I was looking for an opportunity for ministry training without leaving the ministry. That is when I ran across the Christian Leaders Institute. I’ve decided to follow a degree here. I am really excited to see the wide range of courses and the flexibility of the program! I know God will use it in my life and ministry!

Learn about ordination at the Christian Leaders Alliance. Interested in a low-cost degree? Check out the CLI’s Leadership Excellence School.

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