online training

Online Training For Ministry In Cameroon Better For Most

Christianity is flourishing in Cameroon and many have accepted God’s call to pastor churches, despite a lack of training and often being new believers themselves. There are the challenges of not having the financial resources for most to receive ministry training, being able to relocate many miles from home, and even the social challenges with friends and family. Where can one turn in such a situation?

With Christian Leaders Institute, not only can you find yourself receiving online training for ministry, it is also absolutely free to those who enroll. This benefits all of our students as they can keep working at their current job, not relocate, or stress over financial burdens going to school can place on adults. All CLI requires is your passion and dedication to achieve your God-given call.

Read the incredible story of one CLI student living in Cameroon.

Online Training For Ordination Through CLI Found In Cameroon

I was born in 1974 in Bali of the Northwest region of Cameroon in a large polygamous family. I soon left my parents at the age of 6 to live with my uncle in Yaoundé, the city capital of Cameroon. Things did not go well as I lost my father a year later. The love and care was not the same and I became a difficult child.  My mother had six children (4 girls and 2 boys). After completing my high school, I opted for the professional training than the university academic studies. With the hope of assisting my mother’s poor health as a nurse, she passed away few months to my graduation. Two years later, my two sisters passed away. With this entire emotional and psychological trauma in my life, I was blessed with Elodie Nana as a perfect match and we became married in 2004. Since 2005, we became parents to four kids with a set of twin boys inclusive: Atsalia, Donald, Mac and Elfrida. Currently I live in Cameroon and the land is open to the gospel. The two main official religions are Christianity and Muslims and each tries to profess their faith alongside, hence we give God the glory for the peace we are enjoying. All churches are requested to have government authorization before they open their doors, though it is difficult this days to have one, however many new ministries do this by affiliating or working under the coverage of existing Christian movements.

Facing all manners of academic, family, and social challenges, I began to be troubled about my existence, purpose, and if I could ever smile in the future. I moved guardians to live with a step brother. Two of my classmates, sons of pastors of Pentecostal churches, preached to me. After resistance, I gave my life to Jesus Christ. Jesus redeemed me on that blessed Sunday on January 6, 1991. I received a water baptism years later and the Holy Spirit baptism in 1998. These periods were equally marked with a lot of persecution. The difficulties and persecution gave me no chance to look behind, but rather move forward to Jesus Christ. With family pressure to stop sponsoring my education if I did not stop the ‘born again’ issue, I was groomed through a school bible club. Within the early years of conversion my sadness, loneliness, bitterness and rough character gradually ebbed away as I felt joy and the warmth of God’s love. I realized that a collaborative work is essential in humility and respect of others. Secondly it is the outcome of the work that matters for God’s glory, continually doing it by his grace and not the title we have.

In my three years of nursing training, I was a member of an interdenominational Christian youth movement called Cameroon Youths for Jesus. Two years later, I was the branch coordinator in Yaoundé from 2000 to 2003. I became active in my church (Full Gospel Mission) after marriage in 2004. With the Lord’s training within the Youth movement and with the college of leaders and pastors, I was ordained as an elder with the Full Gospel Mission Cameroon in 2005. I have been coordinating the youths, the marriage committee, and assisting in translation, any effective Christian work must be done in English and translated to French or vice versa. From my Christian health position as a nurse, church elder, writing skills, counseling, interpretations and teaching skills I like to empower youths to grow in their Christian faith with vision and a Christ-liked passion service; highlighting for professional integrity in the hospital, I am also burdened to listen to people, counsel and helping people to grow to know God more. The ordination will help to consolidated and embody my Christ given purpose.

Seven of my ten years of nursing practice was in the ICU where God enabled me to understand the essence of my life. There is a marked discrepancy between theory and practice by the health personnel. Morals have dropped, though there are traces of exceptions. Patients are desperate and many closed up during health care delivery. God’s grace for counseling became recognized upon my life when I was called to assist in counseling with difficult and non-compliant patients. I orientated this counseling service by introducing the good news of the Gospel to almost all patients. With time, my colleagues confided in me and God’s grace was manifest as some opened up to Jesus and others did not. I had been active in church all these years, stressing on sanctification and holiness, but soon realized I was wanting. Though I had been translating for the long and trained in leadership with the international leadership institute, I felt I was floating. I could not sustain or explain some biblical notions before professional challenges. The Christian gathering limited to some social, technological, secular realities etc. all of which thrilled my quest for a bible training program though the hindrance was finances. I had been stressing on professional integrity during seminars organized by the bible club of the hospital. Teaching biblical methods of prevention on HIV/AIDS and STI’s at school clubs during the youth week in some private schools in Yaoundé. A young boy came to the hospital of recent to pray for a patient and the doctor doubted his title of a pastor and asked for a pastor’s badge permitting to distinguish him from quacks. Our young pastor had no badge and was refused from entering the ward. To authenticate my training, and sustain the ministry work through my foundation with Cameroon’s bureaucratic system some doors (health facilities or church organizations) will only open before me when I present an ordination certificate.

Once I had the CLI online training scholarship, it was a dream come true. The CLI courses have helped to stabilize my faith in both spiritual and the secular sphere.  It is my desire to continually share this great opportunity with all. Especially the youths who are victims of false prosperity preachers. Though there is limited feedback during the online training, I have found my needs met and also the openness and passion Henry and David has in seeing students equipped and blessed with biblical knowledge. I quote them because I wrote on several occasions asking for permission to use extracts of their materials for my book and they were very willing and encouraging. As earlier said, the courses answer abstract to life secular and spiritual realities. It has shaped my personality and it has been answering my potential and actual challenges in church and Christian services. Cameroon, though poor and aspiring to be an emerging nation, is very bureaucratic. To palliate this to my wife, I set up an organization called “The Lamp Foundation,” which is here to enable us to reach health facilities beyond the boundaries of my hospital and carry out Christian programs easily. While I was completing my CLI online training courses by the mercies and grace of Jesus Christ, I published my first Christian literature called “The Healing hands of the potter; doctor’s treat, nurses give care but Jesus heals.” The materials from CLI are a compendium for my book, seminars, and ministry. I am passionate to see the youth grow and serve Jesus Christ with a true meaning in life escaping the vile pleasures of life. I am passionate to see adults take on a meaningful course in life and not become victims of ignorance. I am available and open, yearning to network, collaborate with leaders or organizations of like vision and mission, giving true meaning to lives through Jesus Christ for his glory. My local church and senior pastor is very supportive in my pursuit of ministry. They allow us to present to the church about my ministry dream and they are praying for me. I have called my pastor for spiritual assistance in the hospital, as well as being programmed to minister in church after which remarks are made.

I am very grateful to God for this free education that CLI has offered me. Being a major bread winner for my home, but with little salary, recognized bible schools in Cameroon are campus based and expensive and without the means of having an off duty permission for training even if that was possible. I have no justification to make with the exception that I very indebted for this wonderful opportunity given me. This made it possible to work and carry on my online training with ease. The online training through CLI is really bible based and focused, hence different from other professional training and online training that allows for unnecessary stuff. Please pray that the desire God has placed in our heart will grow and that in our future ministry, we will always seek to glorify our heavenly Father, remain humble, consecrated, obey the whole bible truth, and that we will not seek our own interest. Also pray that we will be loyal to the knowledge, training materials, and vision of CLI. Also pray for prompt networking, open doors for further training, grace for partnership, and success in ministries.

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